Month: September 2012

Marcello Danucalov

first doutorando on the subject, in our country, it was presented by Eliza Kozsa the Department of Psicobiologia of the UNIFESP. It studied the effect of the meditation and one respiratory technique on volunteers with complaint of anxiety, showing good resulted. As the preposition of this article, in the direction to present research and studies of Brazilian professionals, with respect to the study of the meditation, we would also like to cite the trajectory of Adalberto Tripicchio around the subject. The related one is graduated medicine, theology, philosophy and psychology, with some PhD? s. Psi manages the site of the net, where it writes deeply on the meditation. In an intitled article Neuroqumica correlata of the meditation? part I, it witness who: the neurofisiolgico study of the meditation it has offered to a fascinating vision of the conscience human being, and in such a way, established a relation between mental states, the corporal physiology, the cognitivo, volitional and emotional processing, and the biological bases of experience spiritual Between published articles already, however, none more than what of Newberg and Iversen, disclosed the action of the meditation of more necessary form, on the nervous system.

The authors present, pass-the-pass, what they call ' ' neural bases of the complex exercise of the meditation. In our country, we make use of the intitled book ' ' Neurofisiologia of the Meditao' ' of Marcello Danucalov and Robert Simes (Ed. Phorte), resultant of a revision monograph that more than compiled a thousand articles, even so with abrangncia that the simple meditating process exceeds, arriving until the meandros of the espiritualidade (TRIPICCHO, 2007). In being valid the neurofisiologia and the neurocincias, I verified as pupil, in recent course of qualification in Are Mental, carried through for the psychologist, neurologist and psychiatry Henriqueta Camarotti, that the central nervous system measured the homostasis and acts in the regulation of behaviors.

A Proposal Of New Literature

THE IMPARCIALISMO: literature for the new context it has as objective to create the literature that is the reading of the man contemporary, with all its pains, afflictions, fears doubts, conflicts, joys, sensations, behaviors, feelings and thoughts. The Imparcialismo is the poetry for the Age of the Information, for a new historical context where a black citizen arrived at the power in the United States, for this time where it has a democratization of the knowledge, for this of sincretismo, for this time of multiculturalismo and globalization, for the powerful and engaged emancipated woman, for this time of descompromissado easy sex with the heart, for this time in the man he is depraved, not motivated for the easy, disoriented and conflituoso sex, for this time where the woman has the power and freedom but still thus is haste in the proper condition of being woman, for a disoriented generation, without rules and limits, for this global warm up time, consequences of the capitalism, of consumerism of industrialization for scarcity of resources, for the social possibilismo, for potentiality, it stops ecological conscience, for the catastrofismo, this time Christian conservadorismo in opposition the new ideas of human being, for this time where everything is moldvel and is subject to the taste of the multitudes, where everything is moldvel also the ideas of a God, for a time of moral and ethical looseness, for a time where everything is the sales and everything is adaptable, we have everything for all the gostos, this time of genetic experimentations, metrossexuais men results of the power and the freedom of the woman etc etc the imparcialidade idea are on the idea of odd number of what the idea of imparcialidade in its denotativo direction. The impartial one is that one that surplus later that if form pairs or partialities, the ones that sobram are the imparcialistas poets who can look at the world that encircles in them without identifications that do not allow in them to look at without historical distanciamento. The exclusion has one positive connotation when looked at by this side. The modernismo is measured by the technological advance being thus, will not have an end. J.Nunez THE IMPARCIALISMO

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