FLUVIAL PORT OF PORTO ALEGRE. A true incognito. If it cannot glimpse great advances, but he is deserving of attention. IMBITUVA PORT. ' ' The private initiative invested to R$ 283 million, that resulted in the construction of a wharf of 660m of length for 50m of width, beyond the purchase of two portineres Super Post Panamax' '.
But if it makes necessary the dragagem of deepening for 15 meters, contrary case the investment will result in an enormous damage. ITAJAI PORT. It is consolidated as one of most equipped ports to operate contineres. This if adjusting to install the system Easy Gates that will be in operation in seven gates, as much of entrance as of exit. This system operates with the technology ORC-Recognition tico de Caracteres? that it will allow to the identification of the plates of vehicles and the number of contineres in the bonded enclosure.
This represents a profit of enormous time and economy. At the current moment the movement of 200 the 300 contineres daily, demand on average 6 minutes for unit. A demand of 24 the 30 hours, a time that does not operate with the OCR. With the adoption of the OCR it will have a daily reduction of 4 hours, on average. PORT OF PARANAGU. The information that if has of moment, that 1 billion will be invested to R$, with the construction of 12 new cradles of mooring, that will result in an increase of 60% of the area. Bold projects as the terminal of the Flat Island of the Cotinga and the construction of a new port terminal: Port of Imbucu is part of the governmental proposals. PORT OF SAINTS. Considered as the biggest national port and of the south hemisphere. Million of tons exported in the year of 2009 83.1 and in the year of 2010 96 million ton.