For its surprise, 70% had used the RFID option, which was adapted quickly, including the people aged (SINGH et al, 2006). As al Comes et (2007), in the year of 2004 the Public Library of Berkeley (BPB) acquired a system RFID with a cost of US$ 650,000, in intention to solve the problem of the lack of deep contracting new employees, due its magnifying in 2002, and to reduce the costs related with injury of the employees of the library, which, only in the period of 1998 up to 2003, was of approximately two million dollar. With technology RFID the BPB can increase its efficiency adopting the auto-attendance services and increase its hours of attendance to the public, which had reduced only in 2004 17%. Beyond allowing the reduction of the injuries of workers consequentemente it reduces its enormous related costs (al COMES et, 2007). V.
CONCLUSIONS In this article had been boarded the main aspects for the implantation of technology RFID in a library, since its components, main equipment to be used, the advantages in the use of the technology in libraries, to the examples and other gotten results of applications RFID in the whole world. To be answered question is, then, if it is possible to implement technology RFID in libraries: The reply it is yes. As said previously, diverse libraries of the whole world have implemented this technology, revealing sufficiently efficient and satisfying the expectations of the market. Consequentemente, another question is created: is viable the substitution of the bar code for the RFID in libraries? its reply is: Yes, however it depends. As diverse types and transports of libraries exist, libraries these that can vary of sets of ten of daily loans to the thousand, become it necessity of the study of the viability of implantation for each case. What it is possible if to affirm, with certainty, is that with installation of the RFID the library will be capable to offer beyond better and innovated services, excellent chances of productivity profit, as it was exemplificado previously. REFERENCES 1 BUTTERWORTH, M. RFID in Singapore.
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