This virtual space will be had access by all of the room. to each new heading read for a pupil will be made the same process. This is a proposal of pedagogical action destined to the pupils of 1 Year of Average Ensino involving disciplines them Portuguese Language and Brazilian Literature and the following activities: reading, written literal production, postagem of the texts in virtual environment access the same. The technologies and medias to be used are: books, computers, Internet, ORKUT. The chronological time considered two weeks or 10 hours/lessons.
CRITERIA OF EVALUATION OF the ACTIVITY the process of reading, reflection, construction of some types of texts, as well as the socialization of the productions, postadas in orkut of the room will be evaluated observing the following criteria: interest, participation, persistence, nimbleness, writing, capacity of literal organization and argument. CONCLUSION This is a work elaborated with sights to favor the use of the computer, the Internet, the net of relationships ORKUT, that is, of the technologies and medias with practical the pedagogical one in regards to the development of the pleasure to read, considering the young, the pupil, as subject of rights in development process. Through this one expects to not only initiate a process of formation of readers stimulated for the professor, but mainly and significantly for the proper colleagues of room. One also expects that each one is felt responsible in sailing in the virtual space, and expressing its opinion on the read text and to awake in the other the pleasure to read. One becomes necessary to point out that this is not a proposal pedagogical ready and finished, is simply a suggestion or strategy to stimulate the pupils to acquire the habit of the reading. It must be emphasized that this, by itself, is not enough to become a reading pupil, but gives credit that it is a start to involve or to unite the use of the technologies and medias in pedagogical making and to transform the process education – learning.