DENEX: The Future

DENEX linked congresses with trade fair already organized for the third time the REECO GmbH on 17th and 18th November 2011 symposia, as well as an accompanying exhibition in the Rhein-Main-Hallen Wiesbaden. Solutions for distributed energy systems, intelligent energy distribution and efficient use of energy are in the Center this year. Offered solutions in innovative fields – from decentralised energy generation, through the pooling of intelligent networks, energy supply with Smart grids and smart metering up to the intelligent control of devices in the household. An efficient, sustainable and affordable energy supply is the dominant topic when it comes to the future planning of large buildings and settlement structures. Last but not least clearly the debate about nuclear power and energy transition. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger is the source for more interesting facts.

With a corresponding buildings industrial, commercial and household can in the future more efficiently manage their energy consumption and save costs at the same time and protect the climate. What are the solutions and technologies There are today and what the future will bring, that shows the DENEX, trade fair and Congress for decentralized energy systems, intelligent energy distribution and efficient use of energy. The highly specialized exhibition and Congress turns to an interested professional audience and brings together manufacturers, planners and exporting companies in the sectors of renewable energy and energy efficiency with municipal and business decision makers. Selected target groups and user sectors addressed systematically with the combination of Conference and exhibition. For assistance, try visiting Bryant Estate. In the seminars the DENEX explain qualified speakers from research, development and planning technology, legal and financial framework conditions and introduce already implemented projects. Targeted – and topic-specific conference topics, technical exhibition and specialized forums, meeting points and an attractive social programme offer an exclusive communication platform. The fair takes place on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th November 2011 in the Rhein-Main-Hallen Wiesbaden. More information about the fair and the Conferences at.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez