French Revolution

The old world, its religious culture to multissecular, its matrices, its politicosocial models, meets spread by the planet all, particularly in this beginning of century XXI, when the globalization goes becoming triumphant the civilization that was born in the Europe modern occidental person. In this point, it fits to remember that social Philosophers as Voltaire, Montesquieu, Diderot, Rousseau, Locke, Beccaria, had developed the principles ethical-politicians of the democratic organization social, which had served of base for the fights that had deflagrated the French Revolution (1789). In this context of the century of the lights, in France, where the Iluminismo assumed its more vigorous intellectual feio, the Espiritismo is elaborated by the iluminista-romantic Allan Kardec. In ‘ ‘ Character of the Esprita’ revelation; ‘ , true treated to epistemologia of the Espiritismo.

‘ ‘ He is, therefore, rigorously accurate to say that the Espiritismo is a comment science and not product of the imagination. Sciences alone had made important progressos later that its studies if had based on the experimental method; until then, it was given credit that this method also was only applicable to the substance, to the step that it is also to the things metafsicas’ ‘. (KARDEC, 1990, P. 20) Being thus, the Espiritismo is on the other hand Iluminista in its knowledge rational of the laws that conduct the evolution bio-psico-partner-spiritual of the human sort and for another one is inheriting of the philosophical tradition of the Romantismo, reencantando the world with the values spirituals, the love and the universal fraternity, with the meaning deep of each evolutivo level, in each reincarnation, each being, all individuality, different spheres and manifestations of the life, in the great teia of the universe that is not another thing seno the thought of God.

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