The radio that now starts to integrate archives, texts, data and images becomes if expansiva. That is, a deepening in the facts becomes necessary therefore the proper listener web demands a bigger information. that is necessary to even offer material enough to fill archives and too much resources used and characteristic of the Internet. This new relation radio versus Internet even infers in the traditional model of if thinking communication: ' ' sender-message-mei-receptor' '. It now passes if to think the radiofnico process more dialeticamente. It has then what if it can call of intersection space where does not have a distance and an alarming differentiation between receiver and sender. One is about a hand of two ways, that is, this exacerbada interatividade configures a new model where it does not have borders delimited between public territory (receiving) and territory of production (emitting). The Internet and the radio: soon historical In the radio, the Internet started for being used essentially as work tool.
From its production for the hertzian waves, many stations had started to disponibilizar its contents in the Internet in proper websites without increasing nothing to the initial format. Later the stations had started to produce specific contents for the Internet, and had appeared projects to operate exclusively in this new media, being this the period of training that if develops in the present time. Elapsing in parallel, but in a lesser number of websites, the most recent operational project disponibiliza its contents exclusively in the Internet, without emission for hertzian waves and can use all the potentialities that the Internet offers, in the construction a completely different product, for which we subscribe the webradio assignment used. The model multimediticocaracteriza essentially for an use of the Internet while it has supported additional for the radio, an extension that serves of ' ' montra' ' for the station, in which its main aspects are presented.