Natural Organic Meat Protects

With natural organic meat from the natural farm on the Fuchsberg, meat consumers have now pure possibility to enjoy the meat quality and to take responsibility for the environment. “The National Farmers Union in Britain has calculated that the meat production for 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions is responsible.” said the Chairman of the Organization of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on climate change (IPCC), Rajendra Pachauri, recently in an interview. He concluded from this that a change of in eating habits is an approach to climate protection. While the figures refer to the entire production cycle – from the clearing of forests, the production and the transport of used fertilizers, the burning of fossil fuels for vehicles in agriculture to the emissions of the animals. The impact resulting from the transport and storage of the meat, was thereby not even taken into account. This means that the environmental performance of the entire meat production – from the farm to the fork – dropping still worse off. The largest share of emissions caused by the destruction of forests: so, 60% are caused by clear-cutting and burning in the Amazon region percent of Brazilian CO2 emissions. Not only for the 60 million Brazilian cattle pastures, but above all for the soybean.

Soy has become the world’s most important protein feed in animal feed and is regularly used as feed in factory farms in Germany. Soy consumption increases continuously since the BSE crisis and the increasing demand, the destruction of the Brazilian rainforests continues always. Since 1960 has a fifth – the dual area of Germany – was cleared of the Amazon and if the destruction continues, almost half of the Brazilian rain forest will be gone by 2050. Such facts, the consumption of meat is actually irresponsible. For meat eaters, there is a climate and rain forest-friendly alternative: the natural justice of Fox mountain breeds completely natural Scottish Highland cattle.

The Court in the Lower Saxony Westerstede in Oldenburg is home to a herd of about 125 Scottish Highland cattle on its sprawling pastures. The cattle are held all year round continuously free and in the family compound on its meadows and and eats only what you find in their Habitat: succulent summer grass and winter hay from the farm’s own wild meadows. In contrast to conventional cattle and many other organic farmers is completely omitted on the feed by feed such as soy. Also used no fertilizer and organic meat is marketed only regionally. The result is not only an exceptional quality has, but also responsible and environmentally friendly produced a natural organic meat. Each and every one has it in his hand and a conscious consumption of meat can contribute actively to protect the climate and the rain forest. With the natural organic meat of the Highlanders of the natural justice on the Fuchsberg meat-eaters can now Meat quality to enjoy pure and to assume responsibility for the future.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez