Poets of the impulsivity and cordel’ ‘. SERIES: 8 Year of Basic Ensino. YOU DISCIPLINE: Portuguese language, Literature northeastern, Art, History, Geography CONTENTS: Twine/Impulsivity? origins, characteristics, poets. OBJECTIVES: To take the educandos: – To know different languages and forms of representation of the thought and the culture. – To acquire an artistic perception for the poetry that leads for the other arts. – To value the culture/literature northeastern. – To understand that the poetry is the culture of the beauty together with the culture of intelligence.
– To understand that the cantadores suddenly, the cordelistas use the musical poetical language to express, ideas, feelings to take care of to the different interests and situations presenting the reality in creative way. SENSITIZATION: It will have to be made through questions on the subject. To awake the curiosity of the pupils a dramatizada reading of the text Becomes ‘ ‘ Adolescent twine, xente! ‘ ‘ of Sylvia Orthof. ILLUSTRATION: exhibition of the o video ‘ ‘ Literature? Poets of repente’ ‘ produced for the TV School, Brazil, 2007. The video portraies of form criticizes, and playful the origin, the conditions of production, and the current situation of the impulsivity, the process of professionalization of the improvisors, the similarities and differences between the twine and the impulsivity. Finally the video presents the characteristics of the impulsivity, it places as well as it as a cultural manifestation that suffers preconceptions, but that the school can finish with this situation and awake the pupil to acquire an artistic perception come back toward the poetry of popular matrix, a perception for the valuation of this art its different styles. STRATEGIES: After the illustration, that is, the exhibition of the video the pupils displays its impressions on the content in study, establishes differences and similarities being the twine and the impulsivity, takes off doubts, hearing the explanations of the professor.