In accordance with I stop: The participation of the population in the school alone will obtain some change from the participation of responsible parents and for the pupils, having offered the occasions of dialogue, of convivncia truily human being. the direction must be conscientious of that, for opening of the gates and walls, the school must be premade use the changes in the management and the form of participation of the community. It is necessary to understand it as participation politics, that must be understood as right of citizenship. (I stop, 2001 p.47) the participation of the members of the pertaining to school community in the construction of the project of the school goes to favor learnings significant, because developed in such a way it allows that the people ressignifiquem its experiences, reflect on its practical, rescue, they reaffirm and they bring up to date its values in the exchange with the values of other people, explicitem its dreams and utopias, demonstrate its to know, give sensible to its individual projects and collective, they reaffirm its identities, they establish new relations of convivncia and they indicate a horizon of new ways, possibilities and proposals of action. What it is clearly is that the Project Pedagogical Politician of the school, when constructed well and managed, can help of decisive form the school to reach its objectives.
Its absence, on the other hand, can in general mean an indifference with the school, the pupils, the education, what, certainly, it will reflect in the development of the society where the school will be inserted. Therefore, the Project Pedagogical Politician aims at to the promotion of the transformation necessary and desired by the collective communitarian pertaining to school and. Unhappyly to the times the schools do not perceive that the elaboration of its project is a privileged moment so that the school counts and registers its history, if not allowing to waste such chance.