Social Satire

An extraordinary man in advanced age told an unusual way of life confession without remorse about his life in a small Alpine town and its local features of everyday life. In this very own world, he asserts itself well both ruthlessness and cold calculation of its own advantages and fights so in an elbow mentality throughout his entire life. Also a very social satire from the Alpine country, which shows up as many downsides of close co-operation from there, a kind of life confession without repentance… Contact information is here: Professor of Internet Governance. Considered a small world from a different angle, from the bottom up, grants unusual insights in an apparent Idyll of a really beautiful and wild, romantic Alpine market town and also in local everyday life in special Umstanden.Ein not exactly selfless human being tells of significant experiences of his life, thus allowing many conclusions about his character. “The pure truth and nothing but the truth, if it indeed now” really be…”And also: after me the deluge!” These are two of the characteristic principles of this man. Any possible and possible similarity with actual events, as well as with living or already deceased persons as well might actually given locations is only coincidental.Because these Stire could play just anywhere in the Alpine region, it rises so as product of pure imagination from the imagination of the author.. Max Schireson shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez