We propose a model of the mind from the computer point of view, as well as the architecture of a possible computer for this purpose. Details: General operation: reasoning, feel and react to stimuli. States of wakefulness and dream how affects it the environment, as well as different mental phenomenon of consciousness in a neural network, each neuron responds with an own and specific output to a stimulus, and together, the overall response is the resultant vector of the responses of each neuron. The answers come together in a main bus, where passed to memory to short term (MCP) and then to memory to long term (MLP), as then it will be explained. The CCM is responsible for intelligence, reasoning and consciousness. It is an element with depth, being more variable (intimately connected with the main bus) surface MCP, and the deeper, more consistent; There probably resides also the identification of the self. The MLP is instead responsible for of the individual personality.
The MLP is divided into anterior and posterior, and is organized by environments or qualia. In a State of wakefulness, subsystems external sensors leave their information on the bus, and the operating system of the brain takes this information, passes to the MCP, the search in the MLP – by storing it in the previous MLP – and returns to put on the bus. In dream state, external sensors remain little active, and the copy process through the bus and MCP, prior to the subsequent MLP informations, is done organizing them already not sequentially, but according to their environments. In a model with this architecture, the phenomenon of consciousness occurs inevitably: to be the MCP intimately attached to that bus, and have a minimum persistence of several seconds, it is inevitable that its content, globally, be processed also in the same way as any other, looking in the MLP and replenishing at the bus itself. The appearance on the bus of this package of State representing the overall content of the MCP, and its Search in the MLP, produces consciousness, that is, the feeling of viewing and analyzing the present moment. According to the model, reactions may occur not only based on reasoning, but also emotional or intuitive, since the base of its operation are environments that relate the information stored in the MLP, and environments are created simply as the common factor to which neurons react, of any kind that the information contained in them. Examples of degradation of performance due to diseases associated to an element in the model: Hardware: coma, loss of knowledge, schizophrenia, amnesia, Alzheimer, Parkinson, etc Software: lack of sleep, neurosis, nerves, stress, etc other behaviors that the model predicts: explanation of dreams, inability to remember waking up, nightmares, dej?-vu s, possibility of making mistakes, evolution of the brain with age, perception of the passage of time finally, also include references to some teams of