Tag: call-center

Call Center

Surely often you get this question and do not find viable options in your answers. Because many people do not know with certainty what is a Call Center. Here we tell you what it is still reading! Usually when you talk about an asterisk callcenter, refer to care centres calls, companies that have a number of people who are dedicated to answer calls or make calls or even both tasks. For what? The purpose of these flames can be different: as for example, departments of customer service, customer claims, assistance and technical support, departments that make surveys, telemarketing, etc. Caregivers make or handle these calls are known as the Call Center agents.

But what is the purpose of a Call Center? For Call Center companies is very important to know details of the quality and the quantity of calls made or served, since its main business is the making and receiving of calls with which the control of information that makes reference to the calls is of vital importance to assess the business and profit of these companies. In this information calls and data agents, number of calls, number of calls, duration of calls, are valued media times, times of response, agents, etc. With all these data, we can know if you are performing well or not work and what are the critical points in the event any. Each contact with a customer is an opportunity to strengthen or devalue the image of your company and the relationship with the client. The process of assigning the right to the particular client person at the appropriate time is of vital importance to have a successful relationship with your customers. If managed correctly, customers are more satisfied, cross-selling are older, and certain high-value customer segments can be treated individually for your convenience.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez