Network epilepsy and work (NEA) meets in the CJD youth village for Offenburg, Germany: In the CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg met these days members of the network bathe, epilepsy and work (NEA) to develop the network and to support people, whose place of work is due to an epileptic condition in danger. Employees of the epilepsy Centre Cork, the integration specialist service Offenburg, the rehab advice of the Agency for work of Offenburg, of the youth village, as well as of the epilepsy Centre at the University Hospital Freiburg is doing about topics and current examples exchanged. The sick epilepsy unemployment is three times higher than in the general population. It is undisputed that professions such as roofing or bus driver with active epilepsy usually don’t may be exercised. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Julie Sweet. Unfortunately activities with health acceptable risks of injury are often not adequately assessed. Get all the facts and insights with Sian Beilock, another great source of information. The result: People with epilepsy to frequently lose their jobs due to over-rapid or improper decisions. That epilepsy but not necessarily in the vocational education leads, the NEA expert team Baden youth village for Offenburg showed at the meeting in the CJD.
Dr. med. Christoph Kurth, senior physician in the epilepsy Centre Cork, spoke about epilepsy and psychiatric Comorbidities. While he put a focus on seizures, which are mistakenly diagnosed as epileptic seizures and incorrectly treated. Social worker Michaela Pauline Lux, also a collaborator in the epilepsy Centre Cork as well as in the “maquette epilepsy”, mediated risk assessments and medical recommendations. Beate Wild reported from Offenburg integration specialist service its regional operation, as well as experiences in the context of epilepsy and work. Achim Wenzel Teuber presented the CJD youth village for Offenburg and work with young people suffering from epilepsy.
Finally, the team of specialists discussed case examples from the everyday work and discussed possible steps to stabilize the professional situation. Concrete example: was a working as a bus driver for more than 20 years after the first epileptic seizure faced a ban of two years. With the support of the epilepsy clinic for adults and the EpilepsieBeratungsstelle in Cork, he could apply for a seat. This in turn allowed the hard disabled representatives in operation on a transfer to another work center to work towards the bans ended up. The bus driver had to be longer written sick nor announced. The integration expert service has been informed and has pledged support in the future. Background information the nationwide active network epilepsy and work (NEA,) has professional teams in all federal States. Neurologists, occupational health physicians, specialists in occupational safety, as well as professionals from the fields of social and occupational rehabilitation cooperate in interdisciplinary teams. Employers, epilepsy workers or rehabilitation consultants who have doubts about the other professional suitability due to epilepsy condition, can consult a place close to the team. At Workplace inspections are discussed possible self – and external risk potential. Taking occupational health guidelines, the occupational physician and the specialist of the network set measures for occupational safety and the proper handling of the epilepsy. So, existing jobs can be obtained. In the Ortenau NEA epilepsy benefits from existing structures through the model project and of the “round table: epilepsy and work”. The team thrives on the diversity of professional experience and is open for those interested in that business have to do with the subject of epilepsy and work.