Tag: geography

Brazilian Territory

The Formation of the seen Brazilian Territory under the relation Society-Space Barbosa, Juliana Pear tree Summary the present article considers one brief evaluation of the aspects of formation of the territory, where it tries to identify why Brazil is colonized under the exploration aspect. why this exploration discharges in the process of forced povoamento, catalyzing the millenarian obligatory work and where these factors will go to contribute for the formation of the Brazilian social spaces. It also considers a clipping in the evaluation of the seen territory as to be explored space, when it would have to be seen as a set of social elements; since the territorial division of work, category proposal for Milton Saints, until the space-time in the metropolises raised by Ana Fani. Word-key: Brazil, Settling, society, work, territorializao In the process of territorial exploration happened of the European expansionista process a settling, balanced and locked up meets in century XVIII. Leaving of this description, Brazil consisting in the beddings of the nationalism is verified; town in a territory half-desert, where a life is organized human being that as I fall the Prado Jnior ' ' diverge in such a way of that it had here, of the aboriginals and its nations, as well as, even so in lesser scale, of the one of the Portuguese who had undertaken the occupation of territrio' '. (The PRADO JNIOR, 1999, p.13). This affirmation indicates the formation of a people who would disclose this particular multietnia, which in such a way is treated by diverse human scientists. What such affirmation does not disclose is the formation of so pure pautado Brazil and simply as a space to be conquered on the basis of the compleio of the project of European exploration. However, if Brazil was discovered above of all the possibilities of the social groups that already inhabited here, important it is to point out that it are found and repovoado inside of a perspective to be reproduced per centuries ahead: found as if it finds an object that would go if to add to the properties of its colonizadores; future, of its elites.

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