Tag: macbook-air-2011


Apple has launched a refreshed MacBook Air that comes with the new version of Apple’s desktop operating system, OS X Lion, which also went live tod. Does it hurt your brain to look at the picture above? That’d be Chromium OS running on a MacBook Air! Pretty much the definition. As predicted, the MacBook Air has been updated hot on the heels of the release of OS X Lion. The update sees a few welcome upgrades to the hardware, Not only does the updated MacBook Air come with next generation processors, it will also be able to handle high speed data transmissions thanks to the inclusion of the new Thunderbolt IO technology, in addition to to Later this week, Apple will officially launch their new MacBook Air line. We previously detailed that these new MacBook Airs will include Thunderbolt ports, i5 and i7 processor options, and a design with little to no

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez