Tag: medicine

Natural Purifier

Strikingly, in the shops of our country has always sold and marketed to this day with chicory coffee drinks. However, according to popular opinion indulgent, these drinks are vtorosorotnymi, like surrogate. At the price of they are quite affordable, but much of the population passes them by. But few people know that chicory interesting role and responsible task of restoring the purity of the gastrointestinal tract, and ridding the colon intestine from pathogenic microorganisms, cramps, constipation, hemorrhoids. The first mention of chicory as a staple food, are for the period of ancient Egypt. The great success he enjoyed in the Roman Empire as a forage, salad and herb. Starting from the 16th century in Europe, chicory roots browned and used in the manufacture of beer and soft drinks as a substitute for coffee, constitutes an ingredient medications. Perhaps check out Atmos Energy for more information. Chicory – perennial herb of the Asteraceae family, which in the wild form is found throughout Europe except the northern regions.

It grows in meadows, river valleys, slopes, forest glades and forest edges, roadsides and villages. If you would like to know more then you should visit Nick Khan. Today the cultural form of breeding varieties of chicory is cultivated in almost all European countries. European and Japanese doctors recommend chicory as an energy tool, widely implementing it in food. The most valuable substance, for which cultivated chicory, inulin Inulin is a carbohydrate-type fructans. Fructans contain more than one-third of all plants on earth.

After starch, fructans are the most common carbohydrates. Inulin with a part of plant foods used by man every day. Its a lot of onions, garlic, tomatoes, corn, dandelion, Jerusalem artichoke. Inulin a gelling fibers, exhibiting a positive effect, which improves the assimilation of necessary substances, enhances the effect of lactose, is involved in the synthesis of B vitamins, toxins and carcinogens in the colon. Many scientists have concluded that the observed imbalance of bacterial today throughout the composition in the human gut is associated with inadequate intake of vegetable, cereal foods in containing inulin and cellulose. I want to and I recommend everyone who is working on restoring the health of the gastrointestinal tract, chicory – a delicious and beautiful assistant.

Rehabilitation in Germany

Treatment in Germany is known around the world: modern medical technology, the latest diagnostic technologies, highly qualified doctors – all of this is the standard of health. The employees of our service center distinctive alternative for those doctors were unable to help at home. Patients arriving for treatment in Germany, with our help has many advantages. First, you will be directed to the best clinics of the country and you will be today. Here you can get as medical advice on almost any profile of the disease and come to a general examination to qualified employees of our company helped to dispel doubts and suspicions about your health.

Of course, our company – not the only one that offers treatment in Germany. But the uniqueness of our proposal is that only 'ALMEDIS Plus' You will feel at his real efficiency, accountability and professional approach to our treatment of any patient. This means that in each case, arranged concilia leading experts and their recommendations drawn up individual programs of diagnosis and treatment in Germany. Often the patient is given several alternative proposals, detailed information about the possibilities of German clinics or medical centers, as well as several versions of the service program. This will allow you to better navigate the service and make the right decision. In addition, our medical support center is almost unique bone marrow, intensive chemotherapy.

Cardiology, including coronary angiography, angioplasty (balloon, stent) implanted stimulators of heart rate and automatic defibrillators. Cardiovascular surgery, including bypass surgery, heart valve replacement, reconstruction surgery on blood vessels, and general thoracic surgery, endoscopic surgery. Surgical Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, in transfenoidalnaya surgery pituitary gland, functional surgery in Parkinson's disease, transplantation of peripheral nerve microsurgery by computer navigation. Trauma, including hand surgery, reconstructive surgery. All kinds of rehabilitation treatment. Please note that in order to develop proposals for the provision of treatment in Germany, and specific treatment recommendations is desirable to obtain from the patient stories of illness and the results of previous studies. Therefore, your statement of case histories will qualitatively hold preliminary consultations, to carry out the optimal choice profile Clinics and more accurately identify the necessary diagnostic and treatment methods. Treatment in Germany – a European medical treatment standards, significantly exceeding the global level. A higher level of wages in Europe allows hospitals to attract the best staff to work worldwide, but relatively low compared to European taxes can develop health care facilities are constantly investing in the purchase of

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