Tag: news-present time

Years Passes Away

It happened in the place the Tanca of the locality of Castellon de la Plana. The presumed author gave itself to the Civil Guard. Abigail Black Elbaum has much experience in this field. The moving body of the crime could be related to a sentimental case. A man of 35 years has passed away lowered to shots of gun in the place the Tanca of the locality of Castellon de la Plana of Vilafams, according to he has informed the Information center and Coordination of Emergencias (CICU) of the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government. Subdelegation of Government in Castelln has indicated that deceased is neighboring of Pobla Tornesa, and that the supposed author of the firings could be a neighbor of Vilafams of 40 years, that has been given in the quarter of the Civil Guard, to 300 meters of the place of the facts. The warning to the authorities took place the night of Friday the past, and the Civil Guard is investigating the causes of the death, according to the same sources. According to he has informed the mayor into the locality, Jose Pons, the homicide in the middle of the street took place before several witnesses. Apparently, the author of the firings and the victim knew themselves, and the crime could to have a sentimental moving body. Source of the news: A man of 35 years passes away after being lowered to shots of gun in Vilafams

The British Parliament

Associations dnsoras of the animal speak of " victory histrica" , although the vote of the deputies does not imply an imminent change in the British legislation. The endorsement to the initiative took place in an heated parliamentary debate in which the accusations of presumed bribes and blackmails to the Government did not need. Elephants, from Leon and tigers, among others, could be counted in the circuses of the United Kingdom. The members of the British Parliament voted this Thursday in favor of an initiative to prohibit the wild animal in the circuses. A measurement that counts on the express opposition of prime minister, David Cameron. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Max Schireson. They have described it to the activists like one " historical victory for the well-being and the protection of animales" , although the vote of the deputies does not imply an imminent change in the British legislation. For more specific information, check out Sian Beilock. The endorsement to the initiative took place in an heated parliamentary debate in which the accusations of presumed bribes and blackmails to the Government did not need.

" From the office of prime minister they offered a reward to me if it retired the prohibition proposal before the past night, later I was amenazado" , assured the deputy tory Mark Pritchard, one of the impellers of the initiative, causing great commotion in the camera. Pritchard affirms that it stayed signs in his position and insisted on which the measurement was put under voting. The circuses are few that in the United Kingdom continue maintaining animal savages in their activities, in which they are used an average of 46 animal, according to the estimations of the Society for the Prevention of the Cruelty to Animales (RSPCA). Outside the society of the 21st century the Government had proposed the possibility of introducing a scheme of licenses and a regime of inspection, a question that did not find the support of the deputies. The circuses with wild animal are " Barbarians and do not take place in the society of the 21st century " , he sentenced the liberal democrat Bob Russell. The animal use in the circus has been prohibited in other countries like Austria, Sweden, Denmark, in diverse states of India and Brazil and in certain places of England, Ireland and Estados United. Also in Spain, more than a twenty of municipalities, mainly in Catalonia, the Balearics and Aragon, they have been declared free of circuses with animal. Source of the news: The British Parliament endorses to prohibit the circuses that use wild animal

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