Tag: software and games

Saving Resources

In this case, in our opinion, more interesting and useful as a solution to consider – 1C: 8.0., because it is most easily update / upgrade and has a serious number of possibilities already inherent in typical configurations. If In the long term requirements of the Company to modify the software in the form according to changing business processes of the firm. Ie further automation of the processes of the Company does not require significant time and cost (including the systematic recourse to the Company's developer) and is a standard procedure. If during the operation and development of the Company appeared requirements related to the optimization of productivity software, as well as user-friendly interface. Ie "Old" software can not be responsible company's needs, in terms of speed and performance at this stage, by virtue of any restrictions. If there is a need to obtain certain analytical information (reports of additional cuts without changing data structures). Ie standard laid down by the developer reports are not sufficient to ensure the monitoring and analysis of the Company, and accordingly the decision-making.

As a first approximation, we automation. 6. economic feasibility Today, there are a lot of work on use of automation, so in this section – we have prepared a summary analysis of key advantages, based on our experience, and not once confirmed by our clients, in one degree or another. 1. Saving Resources 1.1. On the payroll. – Business is scalable without increasing the cost of management personnel. Plus, this reduces the requirements for time of uniform information system includes all parts and units of the Company (in virtually all workplaces used barcode scanners and other trade equipment), which allows you to receive on financiers and accountants) 1.2.

On the equipment (office equipment, space, etc.) – As a consequence, 1.1. – No need to provide additional jobs. 1.3. "Transparency" business – one of the main advantages. Activities Companies naturally competent for the tasks for automation and serious approach to implementation is fully under the control of the head and allows for the rapid management decisions. (Ie, + / – 100 tons barcode scanners or the formation of the documents one by one – two keystrokes instead of operating between trading hall, warehouse, accounting – the courier, seller, store clerks, etc.) 2.2. Improving the quality of service (due to manager. 2.3. The ability to use additional features (such as organizing online shop integrated with 1C). And another not unimportant question 3. Protect your business. 3.1. Reducing losses from disgruntled employees (for example: nursing staff – Pot

Online Tests

In an e-sport, I spent over 7 years. During that time, practiced a lot, play and communicate with many people many times took part in major tournaments (such as wcg, eswc, asus cup, cpl, esl, DreamHack, etc.) and has achieved good results. All this has allowed me to accumulate a lot of experience from which I created a test that allows gamers to answer the question: 'What do you need to be a professional gamer and win tournaments on the computer sports?'. Work on this test, I analyzed a variety of difficulties that faced throughout my career in e-sports gamer, both personally and for the example of other guys. After several months of work I was able to identify the main factors affecting the success and victory in the championships. On the basis of these facts have been compiled the questions and the test results. The meaning of this test – to help the gamer to assess their ability to determine that it is not enough for Success, what to look for that to change in yourself and how to behave in certain situations.

The test will be offered a series of questions related to your eSports life, and the result will be different tips and advice. Plus, on the basis of the responses is calculated conditional probability of success, that is, your chance to become a professional and achieve high results in eSports. Naturally, in order to justify the effort, I did the test fee. At the end of answers to questions you will be asked to pay for the test results via sms. I beg to treat this with understanding. Good luck in e-sports!


Implementing such a way to secure the right to information can sometimes be in conflict with human rights Property developer's software. For example, it is possible, when to increase the quality indicators of the programs are specially designed algorithms and methods for storing data that developers 'share' with no one wants, and it is his legal right. In this case, you can resort to the second method of ownership rights to the data. Namely – require the developer simultaneously with the delivery target software to develop and provide special programs – data converters. The purpose of these converters – to ensure the transformation of all stored information (both graphic and semantic) described in external exchange formats.

In this case, preference should be given to commonly used exchange formats – for graphics, and descriptive data – by preserving the existing information code connections between the graphical representation of objects and their semantic descriptions. If the first method does not entail additional cost, the supplier for the design of converters may well ask separate funding. In this case, match the requested price with the cost of the target software, as well as with the price risk of losing information. It is not excluded that, if you're not deeply 'bogged down', have already entered data may be cheaper to re-enter, but in a different information environment. Or is it to pay for the development of the converter. The urgency of the problem of access to data (or 'unloading' of data) increases many times as only raises the question of information interaction between the various utilities, or between services and upper level management hierarchy (municipalities). In any case – try to evaluate yourself the value of your data, based on labor costs for its refinement, storage and entered into the database, as well as possible damage from the loss. Making a decision about buying a particular product, ask yourself: "Who will own my data? Will I be able to use outside software product, which intend to buy? "

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez