Laurillard (1995) apud Kenski (2003), presents the papers of the professor and the pupil in four different types of mediation that can be developed by diverse supports. In the first type, the professor if presents as one ' ' accountant of histrias' ' can be substituted or be supported by a video (DVD, CDROM), a radio program saw Internet or a teleconferncia, for example. In as the type, the professor assumes the role of negotiator and the education if of the one by means of ' ' discusso' ' of the content learned in other types of mediaes it are of the classroom (the reading of a book or text, the comment of an experience or visits in leases to a museum or center of research, for example). One third possibility also excludes the direct action of the professor. In this in case that, he is the pupil who assumes the role of ' ' pesquisador' ' interacts with the knowledge by means of the most differentiated resources multimedia (CD-ROM, Internet).
The pupil learns ' ' for descoberta' ' to the professor fits the final interaction with the pupil, for ' ' ordenar' ' or to guide diverse ways for the construction of the knowledge. The fourth and last modality of education is the one that presents professors and pupils as ' ' colaboradores' ' , using resources multimedia (CD-ROM, Internet) in set they will carry through searches and exchanges of information, creating a new significant space of teach-learning where both (professor and pupil) learn. 2.1? The SUPPORTS AND the STRATEGIES OF LEARNING According to Tedesco (2004, P. 128), have 350 years the educator Czech J. Comenius introduced in the education process the didactic books, manuals and texts. With these supports, a relation of the professor with its pupils was possible, becoming possible the increase of the educational productivity of the group, reducing costs and massificando the pedagogical mediation of the process (it finished with personalized education).