(SOUZA, 2007) The PCM department must be extremely lined up with the planning and control of the production (PCP), so that it can negotiate the stops for maintenance. This constant and explicit necessary communication to be, to determine the priorities of the plant, with intention to guarantee the trustworthiness of the equipment. Through a management of planning of the well structuralized maintenance it is possible to get historical trustworthy of intervention of the equipment, being able to apply different strategies, that is, creating plain preventives well adjusted or preditivas techniques of monitoramento. One technique does not exist standard for management of the assets, because they must be evaluated a series of criteria to determine the best strategy, being able to be preventive, corrective or preditiva it. In the definition of the decision criteria it is important to identify that resulted they are waited by the maintenance. It competes to the managers of the organization establishing these objectives (SIQUEIRA, 2005). 03. FINAL CONSIDERAES The strategies of maintenance management present different forms to be selected, needing to study a series of criteria to get the best ones resulted.
In such a way, it is basic to enable all the involved people, since the operation even though those that are in the high management. All the processes of management development require time to present the waited results, therefore it is basic that all believe and if they strengthen to reach the objectives. The systematics of planning of the maintenance is basic to optimize all the available resources, searching to standardize the execution forms and creating procedures of specific activities. The sector of planning and control of the maintenance must be structuralized, of form that get tools to facilitate the consultations of descriptions, adjustments of preventive plans and qualified people to explore the points keys of the maintenance. So that the development of this process presents resulted positive, it is basic to generate indicating, showing all evolution that if it got since the period of implantation. These pointers also will serve to point where they are the points that must be applied to the continuous improvement. 04. REFERENCES SIQUEIRA, lony P.
of. Maintenance centered in the trustworthiness. 1 Ed. City: Rio De Janeiro: Qualitymark, 2005. SOUZA, Valdir Cardoso. Organization and manages of the maintenance. 2 ed. City: All Print, 2007. SOUZA, Fernando. M.C. of. Rational decisions in uncertainty situations. Recife: Ed.Universitria of UFPE, 2002. XAVIER, Julio Nascif. KARDEC, Alan. Strategical function. 1 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Qualitymark, 1998 ABRAMAN. lDisponivel in. Access em12. the bril one of 2011