In order to solve various problems in operating an apartment building owners to have to determine the type of control. To this end, held a meeting of owners of apartment house, which was adopted control method. The weight of votes each owner is directly dependent on the area of his apartment. Housing Code provides for three types of property management of apartment houses: 1) control directly apartment owners, 2) management by a specialized organization (management company) 3) manage homeowners' associations (HOA) or a consumer cooperative. Management by the homeowners can be effective for a small house – 2-5 families. You can refer to a special organization for real estate management, which has staff, equipment necessary to manage an apartment house. But in current conditions is not sufficiently developed market such services and there was quite a lot of organizations that have neither the knowledge nor the experience of property management. More acceptable option is to create condominiums.
He combines the previous two methods and is more convenient for apartment owners. After all, HOAs can hire the necessary staff, to address more difficult issues – the relevant people that will be cheaper. The only problem with this management option – it is the owners themselves. Who was a member of the horticultural cooperative, probably remembers the difficulties in organizing a meeting, standing disputes, etc. Decision on management ownership must be taken not less than two-thirds.
This decision will be binding on all apartment owners. If the owners of the apartment building decided to create a hoa, then you need to fix it legally. For that at a general meeting accepted the charter of association and articles of incorporation, elected governments hoa. After the state registration of hoa between apartment owners and the new governing body are contract. Contract must include the following: – the address of an apartment building, the assets against which to exercise control – the list of services performed to repair the house, the procedure for making changes in this list of available public services – the procedure and amount of payments for repairs and utility bills – measures to monitor the activities of the hoa management. The contract is concluded period of not less than one year and up to five years.