Final quality assurance In the development process of the DAISHO 4.1 sync releases were now completed all phases of the beta testing. Moreover, the DAISHO SyncML was successfully on server. Once finished the final internal quality assurance and the advanced productivity tool found for stable and reliable, this is on the website for download. About Daisho blacksmith: The Daisho blacksmith GmbH, Munich, has a DAISHO mobile and platform-independent software designed for personal information management (PIM) with project management capabilities. The software is aimed at all those who project-oriented, flexible and mobile working – especially on Freelancer. The DAISHO productivity software includes a professional time management and contact management (CRM), organises the daily communication via a built-in email client with skypeTM connection and provides helpful tools such as Quick notes and the management of different work environments. Functions for the structuring of tasks and projects, as well as the tracking of targets are the basis for an efficient personal project management.
The DAISHO of PIM software can be installed on a USB stick and can be used on any laptop, NetBook or desktop PC without further installation from there. The software is based on Java and therefore easily runs on Windows PCs, Apple Macs and Linux machines. Contact: Daisho blacksmith GmbH Daniela Schneider Landsberger Street 293 D-80687 Munich, Germany Tel 58 90 98 98 0 email: info @ Internet: de support community: about Simchronise Simchronise was founded in 2005 by a team of enthusiastic technology entrepreneur, to offer a range of products and services mobile operators, operators of virtual networks, Internet providers, VAS distributors, software providers, and mobile phone retailers, which are specialized to the needs of mobile users. Simchronise, based in Dublin, is also represented with development and sales units in Europe and in the Asia-Pacific region. Simchronise offers powerful customized solutions for data synchronization of mobile phones in addition to standard solutions, where data of your smartphone (E.g. contacts, appointments) are captured and stored online at secure user accounts. All solutions are Web-based and require GPRS data transmission as well as the download of applications on the mobile phone.
The services are characterised by a simple user guidance as well as an attractive graphical interface. The core competencies of Simchronise are in addition to the mobile safety in the application of comprehensive expertise in the mobile phone market and the associated technologies. So ideas are implemented quickly in innovative products and services, to create specific applications, for example, for mobile data backups, data recovery or data synchronization.