Month: April 2012

Total Productive Maintenance

With the diffusion of the computers, the reinforcement of the National Associations of Maintenance and the sophistication of the instruments of protection and measurement, the Engineering of Maintenance started to develop more sophisticated criteria of Maintenance Based on Conditions, these had been joined the automatized systems of planning and control, reducing the bureaucratic services of the executants of Maintenance. These activities had caused the dismemberment of the Engineering of Maintenance that started to have two teams: of studies of chronic occurrences and of Planning and the Control of Maintenance? PCM, this last one with the purpose to develop, to implement and to analyze the results of the maintenance services, being used itself a informatizado system as support tool. At the beginning of years 70, the envolvement was taken in question of the aspects of costs in the process of management of the Maintenance, that was known as Terotecnologia. This technique considered the capacity to combine the financial resources, studies of trustworthiness, technique-economic evaluations and methods of management, in order to get cycles of life of the less dispendiosos equipment each time. The terotecnologia concept is the base of current ' ' Maintenance Centered in the Negcio' ' , where the aspects of costs guide the decisions of the area of Maintenance and its influence in the strategical decisions of the companies. This new position is fruit of the new challenges that if present for the companies in this new scene of a globalizada and highly competitive economy, where the changes if succeeds in high speed and the maintenance, as one of the basic activities of the productive process, it needs to be an proactive agent. (Kardec, 2002). Still in the decade of 1970 the Japanese had created the Total Productive Maintenance? TPM, Total Productive Maintenance, involving idle the productive cycle of operation for execution of maintenance routines allowing the mantenedor to be part of the analyses of the Engineering of Maintenance.

Top Online Games

Much people believe that the games are harmful for the children and adolescent young that passes hours the wire consoles grasped it or in the Internet to play, but the harmful games will be all or had been able the games to also contribute for the cognitivo development of the same ones? One of the biggest problems nowadays with innumerable children is related with laziness to reason or mere not to obtain to concentrate itself in simple tasks. Thus the performance in the school is very inferior to the waited one and the intellectual development of these children is sufficiently wronged. One of the solutions is sufficiently original, and can be applied of a very simple form and without confusions for the children. This solution inhabits in games online that they promote the solution of enigmas and that they develop the reasoning of a playful and almost imperceptible form for the children. Online has sufficient games that they contribute for this improvement, exactly some livened up drawings has educative games, the children play something who like while they have fun themselves and learn the same time. Games as Sudoku, Magical Cube, Labyrinth, and many others of gnero, can help the children to assimilate techniques of memorization, concentration and space logical reasoning, abstracto and in an original, pleasant way and extremely amused. This type of games meets online and many could have been played of gratuitous form, they are an excellent alternative new them to pass some time online of beneficial form, and to contribute for its intellectual development. The educative Games facilitate and stimulate the learning of play who them through the interaco since They stir up to the resolution of some problems and enigmas allowing to the user to think and to stimulate its cognitivas capacities, literacia, as well as developing its motor and reflexiva coordination. In the Top Online Games you find all the types of games to play online of form gratis. It comes to try the Games of Soccer, Games of Cars or Games of Shots between many others.

Logomarcas ‘ ‘ Modernas’ ‘

Logomarcas ' ' modernas' ' Today, with the resources of the graphical computation, everything can. It only depends on the ability of the professional who goes ' ' criar' ' soon with the available programs. It is that deferred payment there the danger. The use of these resources in excess, as shade, brightness, volume, edge, overlapping, degrade, distortion, desenhozinho, vinhetinha, tracinho moderninho and etc, almost never means good resulted nor for the conception of the logomarca and nor for the image of the companies. The great companies only have chance to contract agencies lined up with the language of communication of the world, small the average take care of of its visual identity with the available professionals in all part.

Some we talentosssimos and others in such a way nor. A thing all have in common: the knowledge of the resources that the graphical computation offers. Most of the time, when creating the visual identity for the customer, finishes making a true demonstration of these knowledge, and alone. The proper customer can influence this process without perceiving, for not having communication knowledge, it believes that the visual language of its necessary company to be ' ' enfeitada' '. Then it values and paid better for the logomarca with pirotecnias and little time later it nauseates and it asks for another creation. Later it does not understand because the mark does not fix in the head of the consumer. It is easy to identify the size of the company for its logomarca. It functions more or less thus: the more elements the mark has, minor is the less experienced company and the communication professional created that it. The great companies search through its communication related values the intagibilidade, the value of the mark, concepts as credibility, objetividade, seriousness and position of solid company. She is enough to observe logomarcas of companies as Sony, Samsung, HP, Fiat, Living creature, Seiko, Aim at, Bank of Brazil, Unibanco, Microsoft, it enters as much other examples of great marks of the world-wide market, and we conclude that in all many elements do not exist.

How Zaschetit Your Computer From Viruses

1. antivirus program. Install antivirus software and its constant updating can help protect your computer from viruses. Anti-virus programs check for viruses in e-mail, operating system and files. New viruses appear every day, so you need to constantly check for updates on the Web site of the manufacturer of anti-virus program.

Most antivirus software will automatically download updates, if it gives permission to the user, ie the option is enabled the function update. 2.When opening email attachments. Many viruses contained in email attachments and begin to spread after open the attachment. It is not recommended to open attachments without checking, that is, before opening the attachment (the letter) to run the program which is able to block known and yet unknown Viruses: spyware, worms and other malicious programs. 3.Nu and not least – a real-time scanning. This means that your antivirus scans and checks all received files from the Internet, for example: You opened the page and all that it appeared – here it is scanned for viruses. It is no secret that in our century, there are sites that attack your pc. And if you still come across this, then your antivirus will simply display a message to what may cause such a visit or even block the page, and only after your consent to allow her to go.

Primecharie: Each program style robots, so read the manual. Spend 10 minutes is better than Restores that kopilos years. 4.Zaschitit password. The most important thing is the number of characters in it, and not only numbers but also letters. So always try to create passwords in Internet and not only: a. Not similar to each other. b. Number of characters – the more the better. c. Use – as the numbers and letters to create a password. d. Write down passwords in a notebook, do not save them on your pc, especially if it is password related pay systems, where your real data and money. e. Never create passwords such as: qwerty, 12345, and a similar sequence, which is easy to predict.

Social Commerce

The notice still is hot although this tide already to present itself this way and with this more age to be marked in the line of the time, the age of s-commerce, term that the new format of e-commerce represents and that it is to the few gaining its space in Brazil. A new marketing process based not more in marks and concepts, and yes in products, experiences and requirements of the consumers. S-commerce, abbreviation in English of Social Commerce (Social Commerce), nothing more is of what the integration of the electronic commerce to the social nets, where all the process of purchase and sales suffers common influence of the consumers through the sharing from experiences, necessities and interests. This modality already is being assayed this way through the Frugar, first social net of shopping Brazilian, a net in which the users can create its collections of products, that are classified thematically, in accordance with its desires, to invite its friends to follow these collections and to interact making commentaries, recommendations or giving its suggestions on the products. What it generates sharing of interests, exchange of opinions and mainly transforms the actions of marketing of the companies and propitiates the sprouting of new products. What already it came happening since the moment where the consumers they had taken the power and they had started to express in the Internet what he is ' ' bom' ' what he is ' ' ruim' ' in accordance with its experiences of purchase.

What if it differentiates in this new format, is that this social net, that congregates what we can call social purchasers, also offers suggestions of where these users can acquire its products of interest. Visualizing this trajectory we can go far and imagine, for example, Orkut and Facebook integrating its platforms with virtual store and giving to origin to the two virtual greaters shoppings of the world, joining leisure, entertainment and businesses. It would not be nothing badly. The groups and communities displaying for its members its necessities of consumption and receiving suggestions, critical or compliments on its possible purchases or acquisitions, while they become related socially, and the store, with all these information caught from these activities, offering its products for the niches of consumers who are its public of interest. The possibility to generate businesses for the retail in these platforms is clear, a time that many of its users are fidiciary offices and costumam to make use of them some times to the day. The advantages of s-commerce if present for all, for who vende and for who purchase, the consumers can count on the credibility of its friends, can compare opinions and carry through safer purchases and for companies the possibility to be more assertive and will in accordance with offer to products the demand of its public.

Junk Mail

The filter is self-learning. To determine which messages should be considered them as spam, you must specify a message from the available mail that the user considers spam. Carefully you will be trained Spam Terrier, the more accurate will rezultaty.Effektivno fight promotional mailing can also use the tool Vade Retro from the company Goto Software (). The program is available for free download and free of charge as does the first update anti-spam database. Further updates of cost about $ 40 per year subscription.

3. Need to check e-mail attachments. Photos, executable files with extension exe, music, bills – it all gets to your computer as attachments to emails. But not always in the attachment is what is written in the letter: there are often hidden virus or 'Trojan'. Therefore, when working with attached files need to be careful and abide by general rules: – Never open attachments in emails received from strangers – unless the sender calls himself a member of the fsb, a bank employee or employee of the Technical Support e-mail server, it will almost certainly receive such a letter indicates tampering or fraud! It is better to immediately delete the message – make sure it always file extension such as it seems at first glance.

For example, an attachment pretending to be a document pdf, showing the correct extension, but in reality it may be the executable. Such a situation with high degree of probability points to attack your computer. To avoid possible infection need to know exactly what you got. Include a map recorded in the type system extensions. For this open in Windows Explorer menu 'Tools' and select' Folder Options' tab 'View' and uncheck the box next to "Hide extensions for known file types' then click on 'OK'. Now expanding the resulting file will be shown in full. 4. Configuring your email client (software running on a pc, which allows you to receive, send and organize e-mail), for example, Outlook allow you to move suspicious e-mails into a special folder for spam. The user selects the level of protection against junk mail. By placing a letter from blocked senders to the Junk Mail folder.

Panda Software

In principle, this malicious activity to date is almost finished. But to hope that your smartphone simply pass a fate is not too correctly. Much more logical to get antivirus program, good choice there, because their range is not inferior variety of computer doctors. The most popular program is the development of two laboratories – Kaspersky and una. But the market there are other players, such as Trend Micro or F-Secure. McAfee is also introduced its mobile antivirus. This is a multi-platform program designed to work in all mobile operating systems. The number possibilities for the package includes not only direct detection of viruses, but also a firewall along with anti-spam filter.

The complex will provide not only filtering and mail security for Bluetooth-connections, but also protects you from IM-viruses. But most reliable is considered Kaspersky Anti-Virus Mobile. Application is also designed to work in most mobile operating systems and provides users with comprehensive protection with the help of periodic scanning and continuous monitoring by the resident antivirus monitor. In addition, in the best traditions of the Kaspersky Lab is also equipped mobile antivirus antispam. Another wrestler's health computers, Panda Software, mark the launch of its mobile version.

While that is a beta version, running Symbian Series 60, but in the future and will complete the program. This new security tool provides immediate protection smartphone from viruses, Trojans, worms and other threats by scanning your system's internal memory, memory cards and the whole system. The final version of the product will perform automatic updates, and each the user can get full technical support, including sos Virus to analyze suspicious files. And finally, the last most significant decision was recently presented by the Finnish company F-Secure. New F-Secure product is designed to work with devices running the operating system Symbian. After installation, the application automatically starts to track network activity and scan all downloaded files into the unit. The current situation with mobile malware to some extent resembles the state of the computer industry ten years ago – plus some elementary prudence "computer hygiene" very rich avoid infection without any antivirus. Today, however, without a specialized anti-virus software to computer users is not enough. And if the story really develops in a spiral, you should expect a similar situation and from the smartphone, and much faster.

Game Design Same

Authors Igor Pear tree Dos Santos Leandro Aguilera Romo Da Silva Rafael Macedo Domingues Da Silva Contact:,,. Summary This article aims at to show to the definitions of ludologia and narratologia, and to consider an union of the same ones, creating the ludonarrativa, that it will approach, as much in the theoretical target, how much in the practical one, the creation of a game that has a strong narrative e, at the same time, one gameplay amused, making with that one intervenes with the other. It is not the objective of this article to criticize the ludologia or the narratologia, and any critical one to the same ones in this article must be raised, but to unify them e, perhaps, to become the games best. Word-key: Ludologia, Narratologia, Ludonarrativa, Game Design, Player, Games, Narrative, Gameplay. Introduction the studies on the games had started have, relatively, little time. However, since that the games they are studied theoretically, they are divided in two main lines: the ludologia and the narratologia.

However, the two lines theoreticians complement themselves, and they are not abstained, as many imagine. Many scholars, as Marie-Laurie Ryan and Gonzalo Frasca consider the creation of a new ludologia, that integrates the narratologia, after all, it is really part of the games, and also she must be studied as such. In this article, we consider the creation of this new ludologia, that we call ludonarrativa, and also show practical applications for the same one, using it in the game design. Ludologia According to narratologista Marie-Laurie Ryan (2005), ludologia is a line of study of the games, that it possesss as thought the idea of that ' ' games are games and histories are histories and these two types of cultural devices cannot join, therefore they have essences radically distintas' '. Between the ludologistas, they are Jesper Juul and Gonzalo Frasca. .

Planning Of A Pedagogical Activity Using TV And Video

Poets of the impulsivity and cordel’ ‘. SERIES: 8 Year of Basic Ensino. YOU DISCIPLINE: Portuguese language, Literature northeastern, Art, History, Geography CONTENTS: Twine/Impulsivity? origins, characteristics, poets. OBJECTIVES: To take the educandos: – To know different languages and forms of representation of the thought and the culture. – To acquire an artistic perception for the poetry that leads for the other arts. – To value the culture/literature northeastern. – To understand that the poetry is the culture of the beauty together with the culture of intelligence.

– To understand that the cantadores suddenly, the cordelistas use the musical poetical language to express, ideas, feelings to take care of to the different interests and situations presenting the reality in creative way. SENSITIZATION: It will have to be made through questions on the subject. To awake the curiosity of the pupils a dramatizada reading of the text Becomes ‘ ‘ Adolescent twine, xente! ‘ ‘ of Sylvia Orthof. ILLUSTRATION: exhibition of the o video ‘ ‘ Literature? Poets of repente’ ‘ produced for the TV School, Brazil, 2007. The video portraies of form criticizes, and playful the origin, the conditions of production, and the current situation of the impulsivity, the process of professionalization of the improvisors, the similarities and differences between the twine and the impulsivity. Finally the video presents the characteristics of the impulsivity, it places as well as it as a cultural manifestation that suffers preconceptions, but that the school can finish with this situation and awake the pupil to acquire an artistic perception come back toward the poetry of popular matrix, a perception for the valuation of this art its different styles. STRATEGIES: After the illustration, that is, the exhibition of the video the pupils displays its impressions on the content in study, establishes differences and similarities being the twine and the impulsivity, takes off doubts, hearing the explanations of the professor.

About A Remarkable And Popular Series

In our time, definitely hard to see a show that would have enjoyed the interest of the viewers of all ages absolutely if it is not a comedy, or fantasy with a huge number of special effects. I must say that in reality series, which itself would be truly shown in the normal emotions and also satisfy the reality, sadly, a rarity. Therefore, it is even possible to explain this now known, about television series The os – The oc. Such is the film series, starting the season proper which was launched in 2003, and 4, while that for the time being the last in 2007, was able to combine directly 3 , specifically comedy melodrama and the addition and drama. Another name for the show once in California, the most detailed description of the plot of the series, which turned out to involve such actors as Peter Gallagher, Kelly Rowan, Benjamin McKenzie, Adam Brody, Rachel Bilson, Melinda Clarke, Mischa Barton, Tate Donovan, and of course some others.

In principle, we can say thanks to this here list of movie actors, or rather their professional game, every viewer of the television the show could see the emotions believable characters on the screen and looked, at least one series is uniquely unable to resist, in principle, to overlook the film until the last series. Well, thanks to the writers Josh Schwartz, John Stephens and directors Ian Toynton, Michael Lange and Michael Fresco, published display the true picture of life the rich human community Newport Beach, California. As the main character Ryan Atwood Benjamin McKenzie is involved in this show he plays a 16-year-old boy with some professional records, as defined in the end his own adventures is in court. In the process trial, he personally by law to provide public defender Sandy Cohen, who played a great movie actor Peter Gallagher. According to his wishes, Sandy Cohen takes to himself in a house on addition, in order to spend some time on his conversation.

In this version, in principle, absolutely no need to search for disks in the rental, or else to spend some time on the selection in the respective stores. No problem use of existing technologies, or rather a pc or laptop and log on to a special internet portal. Definitely on it, simply to get acquainted with absolutely any information about this show, movie actors, or whatever series. And besides directly when a desire, you need to easily download free reality in general, any series of this young series, with a 1 Series, the first season and finishing last quarter. In addition, each person on the web portal totally expect all existing soundtracks of the series, any photos that in the presence of a real desire simply to put as wallpaper on your computer or laptop. Equally, as there is a possibility, in principle, any free time to read special news actually be interesting to each visitor, regardless of his own age.

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