Month: December 2012

Compassion And Generosity

I have put the title of Compassion and Generosity, but also it could have been Solidarity and Empathy, or To be human and to demonstrate it. Because I am going away to refer the situation that is being lived at world-wide level, in which we were many people begging, or without daring to say it or shouting it in the street with its sad gesture and its sonrojada glance fleeing to the ground, and its extended hand, trembly and shamed. We see dresses them of its poverty and its misfortune, taking to hills, like a cross, its bad luck or the few opportunities that the life has given them, with its full past of emptinesses and grief, their destitute present, and a future that does not dare to appear in view of which it hopes to him next to those people. We see humiliated, showing them to its misfortune and its shortage, with fear in the eyes, almost requesting excuses not to be around the rest, over which yes we prevailed or at least we create therefore it and we pretended, teaching its failure to us with hard crudity. Often I have lucubrated envelope what must feel one person who decides that on the following day she will go out, it will be placed in a corner, and, perhaps made kneel, it will extend the suplicante hand.

What must feel each one of the seconds that happen asking. How many watched from scorn it will receive and what few of love or consolation. One will feel left by God, and repudiada by the amiable destiny? , It will think about his parents and their loved beings, that without a doubt they will suffer by her, or will think only about which has not been able to occur to itself or to its children? , It will conclude with the thought, atrocious and tremendous, but perhaps real, of which to not it must nothing him to the life? How many times we found out that there is people malviviendo, needing attention and food, and we remained without doing nothing except for supporting, brief and slightly, a pity pinch, and to ask to our God that never we see ourselves in that situation.

Distinction Law

The autonomy is understood as the college of to supply to laws itself exactly. The autonomy possesss two components. The first one is that no external authority we is necessary to constitute or informing in them on the demands of the morality (Cf. Perez, 2005, P. 172). Each one of us knows, without it is said, what it would have to make because the moral requirements are requirements that we impose we ourselves.

As it is that in the autolegislao we can effectively controlling in them. Therefore, no external source of motivation is necessary so that our autolegislao is efficient in controlling our behavior. Thus being, in strict direction, the autonomy not only demands that the law is not given as object, as well as the will is not determined by sensible inclinations. This implies that the autonomy leaves of being legislator and starts to be heternoma. The will, if is independent, alone it can objective be determined by the moral law and subjectively by respect to this law. The mobile of the will must be the proper law.

For this reason, in the ethical plan, action is carried through not only in agreement the duty, but for having, a time that the mobile is enclosed in the law. 2 Distinction between moral and right in the kantiano thought In the kantiana doctrine the basic point of the distinction between moral and right is the mobile by which the legislation is obeyed. In this bias, the absolute reason of the duty for the duty is had concernente the moral, considered legislation internal, and another referring empirical reason to the legal legislation, that is external. To analyze the relation of the moral with the right demands that if it needs the direction these terms, that they possess, to the times, an ample meaning and another restricted one. When distinguishing the laws from the nature of the laws of the freedom, the moral term in Kant acquires ample direction.

Mahatma Gandhi

These people had constructed its bonanza and lasting performance, joining personal humildade and professional ambition. In one of its books Ablio Diniz she recognizes the importance of the ambition. ' ' visionary ambition is the space that the people desire to occupy in the future, using the gift as form to prepare itself for tomorrow. It is healthful and necessary to reach new platforms in our life profissional' '. The visionary ambition enxerga the position to be busy and not it person occupies who it today. Although a narrow line separates to these two situations, it exists and it must be respected for the good of that they want to reach its objectives. The ambition is extremely important and therefore professionals must know to manage it so that if she does not become wild, therefore the fact are that the more we conquer more we search new horizontes.

But, the professional ambition is not enough, therefore without talent and preparation the failure is inevitable. Being thus, she is necessary disciplines e, why not, personal humildade? The humildade is not to hide how much we know, but to admit how much we know on our limitations. The ambition moves in them and the humildade supplies direction. Without the humildade the ambition in them becomes blind people and, the humildade without the direction, probably we will be paralyzed. Of this form, the scholars guide in them in them not to become slaves of the things that we desire, therefore the inconsequential ambition can taking in them what they call of ' ' syndrome of cachorro' ' when it runs behind the wheel of the automobile and he does not know what to make when it stops. To the times the ambition can in them take the total unknown places; that is, true ackward surprises, Being thus, we must keep our objectives of long stated period, but not forget that it is in the gift that we construct our future. The ambition is one of the motor forces of the professional growth and until Mahatma Gandhi it was moved by it, therefore in 1930 it said: ' ' My ambition is nothing less than to convert the British people the not-violence and to thus to show the evil them that had made the ndia' '. Its ambition freed its country without the use of the violence

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