Month: September 2013

ReichStag Parliament

Finally on November 9 falls the wall Berlin allowing free movement of citizens throughout the city. 2. When go-the majority of people prefer and choose to go in the summer, taking advantage of the celebration of festivals that there are in this city, especially the LoveParade, with millions of people in the streets celebrating. But make sure that the year you are going festival is held that because there are years in which not have been held, but do not worry, that part of this, there are many more festivals and you’ll find activities of all styles. 3 Transport, situemonos a little in this great city.-in Berlin, you will find in many other European cities, a network of commuter trains, at the same time that a metro to get around the city.Here in Germany the commuter networks take the name of S-Bahn, and the meter has the name of U-Bahn. Here are both means of transport planes for if quieresmirarlo before that you go to your German course in Berlin.

S-Bahn U-Bahn 4.-If you’re going to Berlin, you can’t miss – Berlin wall still are conserved some stretches of the Berlin wall, there is one that has more than one kilometre long. Checkpint Charlie Yet it is in good condition, was one of the points through which the foreigner entering East Berlin and also point of clandestine getaway for any of its inhabitants. Today it survives as this construction donode Museum tells what happened surrounding him. -Brandenburg Gate – symbolises the reunification of the country after the time so hard that the people went. It still stands and is located a few meters from the wall in no man’s land.

-German ReichStag Parliament where there is a glass dome accessible to tourists from which you can see a panoramic view of the city of Berlin. Something very nice.

Leave Without Internet

The FBI is performing an operation of cleaning and elimination of the DNSChanger Trojan virus. This kind of malware infects computers, changing your DNS settings, and redirecting the user to malicious or fraudulent pages. DNS servers are used to translate the URL entered by the user in the corresponding public IP. If the query is made to a malicious DNS server, the URL will be translated with the public IP address of a website specially designed by the attacker malicious. On March 8, the FBI will proceed at the close of the malicious DNS server that configures the virus in infected computers, so that all those users with virus in execution will remain without access to the network (not have translation of URLs to public IPs).

To rectify the problem, it must be disinfected the machine, so that we ensure that the requests go to a trusted DNS server. For this purpose, an on-demand scan, can be done using an anti-malware protection with the updated signature file. Once is disinfect equipment, may set up a public DNS in the network parameters, or obtain one through DHCP. It is necessary to reapply the network configuration, either by restarting the network driver, or making any change in settings involving the re-aplicacion of it. Do not run virus, requests will be resolved now in a truthful manner, and the problem will be solved.

It is not necessary to wait for March 8 to check if your computer is infected (will be left without navigation). Any user can check if your computer is infected from the page:. Audea Seguridad de la Informacion. Jose Francisco Londinez Security Department TIC.

State Bus

We propose a model of the mind from the computer point of view, as well as the architecture of a possible computer for this purpose. Details: General operation: reasoning, feel and react to stimuli. States of wakefulness and dream how affects it the environment, as well as different mental phenomenon of consciousness in a neural network, each neuron responds with an own and specific output to a stimulus, and together, the overall response is the resultant vector of the responses of each neuron. The answers come together in a main bus, where passed to memory to short term (MCP) and then to memory to long term (MLP), as then it will be explained. The CCM is responsible for intelligence, reasoning and consciousness. It is an element with depth, being more variable (intimately connected with the main bus) surface MCP, and the deeper, more consistent; There probably resides also the identification of the self. The MLP is instead responsible for of the individual personality.

The MLP is divided into anterior and posterior, and is organized by environments or qualia. In a State of wakefulness, subsystems external sensors leave their information on the bus, and the operating system of the brain takes this information, passes to the MCP, the search in the MLP – by storing it in the previous MLP – and returns to put on the bus. In dream state, external sensors remain little active, and the copy process through the bus and MCP, prior to the subsequent MLP informations, is done organizing them already not sequentially, but according to their environments. In a model with this architecture, the phenomenon of consciousness occurs inevitably: to be the MCP intimately attached to that bus, and have a minimum persistence of several seconds, it is inevitable that its content, globally, be processed also in the same way as any other, looking in the MLP and replenishing at the bus itself. The appearance on the bus of this package of State representing the overall content of the MCP, and its Search in the MLP, produces consciousness, that is, the feeling of viewing and analyzing the present moment. According to the model, reactions may occur not only based on reasoning, but also emotional or intuitive, since the base of its operation are environments that relate the information stored in the MLP, and environments are created simply as the common factor to which neurons react, of any kind that the information contained in them. Examples of degradation of performance due to diseases associated to an element in the model: Hardware: coma, loss of knowledge, schizophrenia, amnesia, Alzheimer, Parkinson, etc Software: lack of sleep, neurosis, nerves, stress, etc other behaviors that the model predicts: explanation of dreams, inability to remember waking up, nightmares, dej?-vu s, possibility of making mistakes, evolution of the brain with age, perception of the passage of time finally, also include references to some teams of

Spanish Markets

Address the issue of bags and Spanish markets or also known BME, is a reference on a giant company, which are gathered all the stock exchanges, securities markets and financial systems present in Spain, ie in this group moves the whole stock market activity, values and actions, which similarly deals with the various investments and the movements that occur in the Spanish market. The existence of exchanges and Spanish markets, is due largely to the excellent growth of the stock market in Spain, which took place through a process of configuration and development that was accompanied by various technical systems, operational and organizational that even today the Spanish stock exchanges and markets are the lifeblood of the markets. All this growth process, supported by different systems, was driven by the new directions that were given in the European markets which gave guidance to those involved in the Spanish stock markets and this orientation is generated main result bags and Spanish markets or BME.

So the bags and Spanish markets with the support systems in which channel activity achieved a great deal of investment volumes and market endowed with greater liquidity, transparency and efficiency. Bags and Spanish markets, like the great partnership that is, groups within their business, working as a unit of action, decisions, coordination of markets for fixed income, equities, derivatives, clearing and settlement in Spain. Bags and Spanish markets as a group header to the bag of Barcelona, Bilbao Stock Exchange, the Madrid stock exchange, the stock valencia, MF financial markets, Iberclear and BME Consulting. In terms of form and action that takes place in the Spanish stock exchanges and markets, we can say that this is a company with high technological capability, which applies in very different fields, making it possible to have an international presence of great value, based on a significant financial solvency. The management of the bags and Spanish markets, seeks as its main objective to get the most out of all the assets with which account and allow the Spanish stock exchanges and markets is a group with significant growth potential. Thus Spanish stock exchanges and markets, is presented as a response to the Spanish market conditions in the international environment, which present greater demands from investors, intermediaries and companies in search of a higher number services and products, within a broad spectrum of protection, security, transparency, flexibility and competitiveness. With this in mind, such demands could be addressed through joint efforts, which allows both the bags and Spanish markets, as each market may reach a level that puts them among the most important internationally.

Emotional Intelligence

It has been invented in a small workshop in Madrid comprised of five people and with a modest budget. But the robots has charm. Diego Garcia, the father of ALSoy, referred to him in glowing terms in which the Popes tend to refer to their shoots: is very nice. It has emotional intelligence and why he can relate to people. It has consciousness of itself, because it keeps memory of the treatment as are you da. And it suits their reactions to the perceptions that stores.

The soul of this small automaton is Airos, a software application that allows AISoy1 to make decisions through the evaluation of the impacts it receives on its own principles. Concepts such as security, the need for love or freedom, with which it has been programmed. Answers that are not part of a decision engine unlike other robots, but respond a scale of values, it could be said that make it, cling well readers, become a perfectly UNPREDICTABLE; According to its creators. ALSoy, have up to 14 different emotional States. (The same as a server VDS to) length of a charged day in Office).

AISoy1 works with Linux, an operating system so alive as the robot, on which all programs are executed. It includes seventy LED mouth to express feelings, a camera of a megapixel in his left eye, a microphone and a speaker integrated into the area of the heart. And a five-hour battery, so no missing reel. Go on sale the first 1,000 copies, in mid-August. If I can poach me one of them, tell them what supposed to be a morning with ALSoy aside.

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