The Formation of the seen Brazilian Territory under the relation Society-Space Barbosa, Juliana Pear tree Summary the present article considers one brief evaluation of the aspects of formation of the territory, where it tries to identify why Brazil is colonized under the exploration aspect. why this exploration discharges in the process of forced povoamento, catalyzing the millenarian obligatory work and where these factors will go to contribute for the formation of the Brazilian social spaces. It also considers a clipping in the evaluation of the seen territory as to be explored space, when it would have to be seen as a set of social elements; since the territorial division of work, category proposal for Milton Saints, until the space-time in the metropolises raised by Ana Fani. Word-key: Brazil, Settling, society, work, territorializao In the process of territorial exploration happened of the European expansionista process a settling, balanced and locked up meets in century XVIII. Leaving of this description, Brazil consisting in the beddings of the nationalism is verified; town in a territory half-desert, where a life is organized human being that as I fall the Prado Jnior ' ' diverge in such a way of that it had here, of the aboriginals and its nations, as well as, even so in lesser scale, of the one of the Portuguese who had undertaken the occupation of territrio' '. (The PRADO JNIOR, 1999, p.13). This affirmation indicates the formation of a people who would disclose this particular multietnia, which in such a way is treated by diverse human scientists. What such affirmation does not disclose is the formation of so pure pautado Brazil and simply as a space to be conquered on the basis of the compleio of the project of European exploration. However, if Brazil was discovered above of all the possibilities of the social groups that already inhabited here, important it is to point out that it are found and repovoado inside of a perspective to be reproduced per centuries ahead: found as if it finds an object that would go if to add to the properties of its colonizadores; future, of its elites.
Month: March 2014
Prime Minister
They lived without perceiving the cold war, they do not know that it was the Soviet Union nor the Gulags, or what happened with Hitler in Europe. Military conscription was abolished in almost all West distorted ideas about national security, discipline and patriotism, and unique political literature you read is the electoral propaganda of the time. To understand what is the dialectical historical materialism they are waiting to make the film. In Latin America where the inability to read and write is part of the social scourges, the results are visible. The voter uses almost exclusively the consensus to decide their choice.
Among the irrationalities that characterize some, is the vote for tradition: my family was always to say Socialist, and I continue the tradition! This is the most superficial vote, but he enjoys respect. Those who vote for tradition believe having inherited a decisive and unquestionable religion. Indeed, for many policy is their religion. Marx said that religion is the opium of the people. I would say that Marxism is the religion of the morons.
There is no more failed philosophical conception, however Socialists are still hawking his hallucination and enriching to cost of the poor. The best political system according to Aristotle, is the aristocracy: the Government of the best. But who and how is qualified to choose the best? Do and who and how defines who is better than another? Ceremonial monarchy, which many confuse with aristocracy, although today only plays a role in the West, was the system longer lingered in the history, but abounds in errors and excesses when the monarchs deviate from the virtues and fall into the vices. Nothing monarchies also cannot be created, it is assumed that they obey certain lineage, which often produced true idiots. The 21st century will bring about changes in government systems to be used. One which surely will begin to collect greater validity is of parliamentary democracy, with a Prime Minister as head of State with restrictions, to avoid exaggerated powers of Presidents and their narrowly unchangeable permanence in power. Almost all Europe opted for him with good success, and perhaps the path to be followed by the majority of countries.
You ever thought why our Gemini constellation of the ancient Maya called Turtle? No? So think about it. And why they had such strange names for constellations: bat, frog, parrot, snake with a trunk, the Owl, Scorpion, Turtle, Rattlesnake? Imagine a modern astrologer, operating their names. But this is not the strangest thing. Maya could not reinvent the wheel, but were able to grasp the idea of cycling time, do not use draft animals, did not know the potter’s wheel, however, came up with the game ball, which is like a modern tennis, or rather, volleyball. And there is no wonder that the ancient Maya invented the bicycle.
Instead, they synthesized the idea of death and rebirth of the god of maize. Why would they bicycle if there is a ball game? And it – an endless change of life and death. There are at least three versions of this ritual and Still sporting event: the “hand-ball”, “stick-ball” and “hip-ball.” Different rules, equipment and players’ views of the stadiums. “Head-ball” could not be for the simple reason that the rubber kruglyashi weighed 4-5 kg. A view of his broadly consistent with cannon to the kernel.
Rolled a ‘core’ of the tree Hevea juice, which is today called latex. Columbus thugs, of course, were stunned when they saw the thugs play Maya cannon balls. Topics Moreover, in such outlandish sports equipment: hard clip (south), weighing about 30 kg, was mounted on a belt of players in the ball under the collar and holding a shield coil in their hands – stone bits (manopla), resembles the shape of a weight. The rubber ball or a bat struggled clamp. The two teams battled on the field, divided into two parts. The ball is trying to apply such a way that the enemy was unable to repel. The winner is the team that allowed fewer mistakes. The losers are often sacrificed to the god of corn, chopping off their heads at the same stadium where the game took place. Columbus brought the latex in Spain, but the Europeans were able to learn it only in 1839 when invented the vulcanization of rubber compounds. The study of ball games related interpretation of one of the mysteries of the Maya – the giant stone heads, detached, more than a meter tall and weighing about 20 tons. It is believed that the heads of these are monuments of the unlucky players to the ball.