Become Human Beings

Filogeneticamente we start in them becomes human beings from the ancestral birth of common the simiescos and homindeos that are the Rhamapitecus, that in turn gave origin to the first men, amongst them the Homo Erectus, that has as representative the boy of Turkana, with the evolution of this, we start to have characteristics who are the mark of the modern man or the species Homo Sapiens as, for example, the bipedismo. The presented erect position first for the Homo Erectus was the basic step for the transformation, as well as the manufacture of instruments of work, the possible celebrations of rituals, the necessity to communicate ones with the others. These had been some steps for the biological construction of the man. But as in them we become human beings, as we appropriate in them of this condition of being social? To understand better as if gave this acquisition, will be made a brief historical summary, starting for the primitive societies that already had inherited the organizacional way them first existing primates, its main activities were the collection of what the nature gave, were nomadic and they were not organized in social classrooms. Exactly without having social division and being nomadic, the work already existed, providing a knowledge about what it was its return, later they would pass if to fix in an environment and would go to be able to discover and if to benefit of cattle agriculture and, appearing from there a economic excess. With the sprouting of the economic excess, the exploration of the man for the man became lucrative, therefore, in this way, if appropriating it its fellow creature, would relieve exceeding more, more profits. Of this relation of exploration two antagonistic classrooms appear: the ones that work and the ones that explore the work other people’s, without right the freedom, being this last one called of escravismo.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez