Canon PowerShot

So that the ideal size of the display in 2009 will equal 2.7 '- 3.0'. Optical stabilization became mandatory function last year and this year will strengthen its position in all segments of the amateur cameras. Also, almost all cameras will be used dual stabilization – a combination of optical and digital. Optical magnification (zoom or zoom) lets you zoom in far away from you and make a better picture. To date, almost all cameras are equipped with optical zoom, the most inexpensive models, he is threefold increase in focal length, some amateur models he reaches 12. Many manufacturers also has a function of the digital zoom, ie increase due to the mathematical treatment (Approximation), but be aware that when you use it unambiguously deteriorates the image quality. In our opinion this year, most claimed to be the camera with a 10 – 12 times optical zoom camera with a zoom of 3 to 10-s also worthy of your attention, but to a lesser extent and caused it to be more cost-savings.

Please note that many manufacturers this year announce a camera for an active holiday or a camera strength. The active recreation can not only be on the hot beach, but in winter the ski resort. They are water resistant, Shock proof and dust-protected, they can withstand cold and heat and managed to by claps and taps on the body. And if the past for the camera with these characteristics come up with a special cover, now the design is absolutely not hurt and the camera looks as stylish as usual and without additional features. Of the novelties of this format, we note 12.1-megapixel Canon PowerShot D10 and the Olympus TOUGH-8000 and 10 megapixel Olympus TOUGH-6000. Technologies that are already entrenched in digital cameras, such as searching on the face or smile detection should be promoted. For example, a function of delayed image, when a person can set up the camera, press the button and go quietly into the shot, the camera can wait and when to detect the face in the frame will picture. There will be a function of the group photo, the camera will determine not only one person, it helps to make higher-quality picture with a large number of people in the frame. Most likely, the standard will be the mode of recognition scene, ie the camera itself will analyze the space frame, taking into account the brightness and contrast of the object, focusing distance and the background, and then will select the optimal settings the picture. Also, cameras will to support more formats, including support for recording high-definition video (720p) and the presence hdmi output for viewing on your tv directly from the camera.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez