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It is recommended to take into account the location of the plot in space. In the northern region is optimal to have a site with entrance from the north or north-east side, so all areas of the house, requiring no natural light or south orientation (the main entrance, hallway, garage, stairs), usually located by the entrance, so a house built on this site will be oriented living on the south side. Location of the section for the southern regions may be more arbitrary. Absolutely necessary to know the prospects for further development in this particular area, ie there on master plan will be put in the future. It so happens that place, master planned as a resting place, for example, with a spectacular view from the window, could lose all its charm and become a public place, because opposite line up another cottage, or felled trees, or closed view of the lake, etc.

But all this can be avoided if the landlord know in advance about the prospects of local development. Today, such mistakes often lead to serious conflicts and litigation that do not bring happiness to either party. Step 2. In geological engineering and topographical survey of Engineering-geological survey to determine the carrying produce the characteristics of soils and composition and the groundwater level in the work included drilling and sampling of soil and water (in a country house from 2 to 6 wells of varying depths depending on the size of the buildings and grounds), laboratory tests and of a report with recommendations on the type of foundations and measures for their protection. It should be noted that the force has only the conclusion of the licensed organizations registered and officially work authorization for a specific site. No studies of geological features of a specific site territory can not be dispensed. For example, if the soil were found "quicksand" (this is generally very dangerous for construction of property), then there can only build on pile foundations.

Working Principle CNC Machine Tools

Background. Lathes are machining the internal and external surfaces of the workpieces such as bodies of revolution. By the way, turning operations occupy the largest share of the overall complex machining. On CNC lathes vypolyayut following operations: turning, drilling, tapping chisels, etc. Classify the machines can be on the following criteria: location 1.Po spindle axis (horizontal and vertical machines); 2.Po number of instruments used in this work (one-and mnogoinstrumentalnye machines); 3.Po method of attachment tool (on the caliper, a turret, in-store instruments); 4.Po view of works (post, chuck, chuck-center, carousel, rod machines); 5.Po degree of automation (semi-automatic and automatic). Pivot machines used for machining parts such as shafts with straight and curved contours. On these machines can cut thread cutter on the program.

Cartridge machines are designed for drilling, deployment, tapping in the axial holes of parts, cog wheels, possibly a chisel cutting the inner and outer thread of the program. Chuck-center machines combine the capabilities of turning pivot cartridge and CNC machines and are used for exterior and internal processing of various parts such as bodies of revolution. Rotary machines are used for machining of complex cases. CNC lathes are fitted with turret or tool magazine. Turrets can be four, six, and dvenadtsatipozitsionnye, and at each position can be installed on two tools for external and internal machining of the workpiece. The axis of rotation of the head can be positioned in different positions relative to the spindle axis.

Fixing turret is done by using special socket joints, which provide high accuracy and rigidity of fixation of the head. In the groove turrets installed replacement power tools, which set out the size of the machine on special devices, which significantly increases productivity and accuracy. Typically, for turning processing is used no more than 7-8 instruments. Enhancing the technological capabilities lathes can be accomplished by obliterating the distinction between turning and milling machines, adding various additional operations such as milling (ie, programmed spindle rotation).

Basis Capital Construction

Our consciousness is arranged so that when he saw the structure of the "red" brick, it automatically assigns it the epithet "reliable", "beautiful", "durable." And it is true. The emergence of manufacturing technology bricks made of clay, its mass production, has allowed mankind to make strides in the construction industry. What is a ceramic brick? Brick is defined as explanatory dictionary lump of clay, fired in furnace. Then, for example, silica, or "white" brick and brick that can not be named because he is made of a special mixture in an autoclave, without being fired. Thanks to its "convenient" size 250mm x 120mm, mason convenient to take brick with one hand. Industry produces ceramic bricks and other dimensions: the "double – 250mm x 120mm x 138mm, Bastard – 88mm and the "single – 65mm thick. Standard defines a "double" as a brick – "ceramic stone." Masons often advantageous to use when building a house ceramic stones, due to lower consumption of the solution and the time for the erection of walls. It advantageous to the customer and, as a "double" brick, being more than double the usual volume, is only half the more expensive "single", while the cost of the works themselves do not increase.

Ceramic brick is divided into species, defined area of application: 1. Private (building) brick. They are laid internal or external rows of masonry, which are then applied a layer of plaster. 2. The front (facing) brick.

This brick is different from the ordinary with two flat, smooth surfaces, and has a typical uniform color. Many voids in the facing brick walls reduce heat conduction from a folded, making them more "warm". 3. Textured and shaped bricks – are also facing. Of those laid out complex forms: columns, arches, etc. 4. Occupies a special place chimney brick. Technology and materials used in its manufacture, making it the most expensive of all types of ceramic bricks. Referred to as ceramic bricks – "red." It is a consequence of the fact that in its manufacture are often used so-called "krasnozhguschiesya" clay. Roasting, rarely occurring "belozhguschihsya 'clay bricks produces yellow, apricot and even white color. The presence of voids in the "body" of the personal and ordinary brick divides it into solid brick and hollow brick. The greater the percentage of voids, the 'warmer' brick. Ceramic stones are made only hollow. Modern technology make it possible to produce porous brick (its structure resembles a sponge). This brick is very "warm" and, furthermore, has excellent sound insulation. Manufacturers today offer a wide choice of range of clay bricks, different types, sizes, shapes, colors and properties. When choosing a brick for the construction of ignorant people is best to consult a specialist. It helps to calculate the number of necessary materials, as ceramic brick product is not cheap and as a result of incorrect calculations and choice in the brick walls can "fly into a lot of money."

Full Service Advertising Agency

The business world is volatile and mobile, the changes in the market dictate the need for new and operational solutions to problems in marketing and advertising. Need to find its niche in the constantly changing requests consumers and competitors' responses. Many of the issues that determine the profitability of the company, "sweeping" of CEOs. Not always exist in the company's marketing and advertising department is able to respond quickly to changing market conditions. Because the market is changing every minute. Planning an advertising campaign is a logical sequence of actions aimed at setting objectives, identifying solving tools and a plan of assigned tasks. Theoretically, the process is simple and includes an overview of the situation, the formalization of guidelines suggesting the problem of where and how to advertise your product or services, making decisions about how to perform these tasks? Advertising agency will help you in planning and cost estimates to implement these decisions.

But the problem is that the subject of an advertising campaign, and simple theoretically, in practice, as it turns out great challenge. The main reason for the difficulties of planning an advertising campaign is the difficulty of choosing from the existing wealth of options for solving the problem most optimal solution. Advertising agency will not leave you alone with the problem of implementation of your promotional ideas. Have you noticed that, despite the attractive design, your advertising does not work? So what's the deal? May be in this ad lacks the most important – a strong ideological or creative foundations that can "hook" to intrigue consumers? Creating such a framework, in an advertising campaign, a bright creative concept – One of our main specialties you can be sure that it will be done in a professional manner at all stages of its creation from the creative concept to delivery of finished products. At your service: Development and support the campaign.

Market analysis and marketing research. Graphic design, corporate style. Creation and promotion of the brand. Design and printing of printing. Selection and production of souvenirs products. Organization of corporate events. Creating Web sites with content management system (CMS) Organization of holidays. Organizing Show Programs. Design and placement of outdoor advertising. Creative concept – Creative (From Lat. Creatio – creation, creation) – the process of creating original, innovative creative ideas. A unique idea, which forms the basis of total advertising and marketing campaign. Develop creative concept actually reduced to the creation of its separate components – a document with a logical and factual justification, slogan, sketches of advertisement (print ads, website design, printing, infomercial script, and so e). that will bring home the idea to the broadest audience of different communicative means. Full service advertising agency – creative approach to every case. Advertising agencies are a bright idea, and most importantly, to realize it in a dignified manner. Only one right word can turn the life of your company in a new direction. And lead to a stunning success in the advertising campaign.

Wheels Design

To date, mobile floor stand with wheels under the flowers are among the most modern types of coasters. This is due to the fact that they are extremely mobile and easy to move around the apartment, helping to avoid excessive loads during transportation. Of course, mobile outdoor flower holders can have many variations on the number itself stands on the same design or color schemes. Once you have purchased a stand for flowers, you can easily adapt to almost any part of your apartment – any of the coasters on wheels of this type is an incredibly harmonious and ideal for the any interior. Of course, stands for flowers that have a specific design and must be ordered directly from the manufacturer in a single copy can be quite specific, but it does not negate the fact that innovation of the whole structure is precisely wheels, which allow this base to move freely, but, nevertheless, perfectly recorded anywhere in the apartment. As for quality, then you can tell uniquely – such holders for flowers are made of high metals, using the most modern technology of welding and soldering. This makes the future design of robust and flexible enough that allows the firm fix the position of even the toughest household ornamental plants. Themselves are made from flower beds so that they easily fit pots with flowers of almost any size, eliminating enough large.

There is a lot of modifications that use lighter metal alloys, and also have relatively small dimensions, making them mobile floor stand sufficiently flexible and cutting edge, while reducing the weight of the product and making it more transportable. Mobile stand for a flower is a perfect complement to any decor – from the minimalist, to the brightest and sharp, perfectly harmonizing with each color present in this design decision. Of course, it is necessary to deal with the design concept and, thus, to properly install a mobile base for flowers, because of this will depend on its future visual perception. For those who want to gracefully enhance the beauty of its flowers, there are models of mobile floor stands with specifically an increased number of flower beds – in order to completely cover the design and the skeleton of the product, emphasizing the greens, which will be located in these flower beds. Modern stand for the colors are made taking into account the wide variety of plant species that can be locked in their flower beds. Thus, to some models of mobile floor stands for the colors in the kit supplied special netting for climbing plants, as well as filamentous ropes for creeping – This will help secure and harmonious fit any plant in any design of such structures stand. There are also different variations of these stands. For example, the popular stand-transformer where you yourself can buy brackets and add thereby the number of flower beds on one design. Of course, themselves brackets securely fixed and, in any case not deform with time, being extremely durable, which is very important for modern housewives. The very same construction, often can be easily assembled and disassembled without the need for any third-party tools, so its assembly and disassembly may exercise even the housekeeper.

Zarechny Sverdlovsk

The problem of shortage of generating capacity has faced recently, Heat Supply Company Gatchina (Leningrad region). – City with a nearly 100-thousand people. "We were in a difficult situation, – said the chief engineer mue Thermal Network Gatchina Vladimir Sharabakin. – Urban Communications were established long ago and did not were calculated on the current load. To ensure full heat to all subscribers of the city center, it is necessary to change the main pipe, which will increase capacity heating pipes. At the same time, our calculations show that the heat, supplied to consumers, inefficiently used, especially in the offseason. When the premises became too hot, people open window and warm outside, and these losses significantly exceed our needs for additional energy.

If you replace the elevator units in homes for automated individual heat exchangers with a weather-dependent regulation, the load on urban heating system dramatically reduced. In addition, after installing the itp heating system in buildings is closed and the necessary operating pressure in its inner loop creates a pumping equipment within the of the substation. Thus, we can reduce the load on the pumps in boiler rooms, which are now "pumped" the entire city. And this is also a considerable savings. " A somewhat different problem has arisen in public utilities Zarechny Sverdlovsk region. The housing stock of this city has about 200 apartment buildings connected to district heating system. Despite the fact that in winter the temperature in these latitudes often falls below -30 C, in recent years zarechentsy suffer from systematic "melt down". "The temperature regime in the urban heating system is often unstable.

As a result of heating buildings comes superheated water. And the street is not always cold – explains the director of serviced urban housing management company llc "Deux" Sergei Skolobanov. – Therefore, in the houses warm. But residents do not have any means to regulate the air temperature. In result is that people pay for extra gigacalories, then how could spend that money, such as maintenance or improvement of their homes. " To remedy this situation, it was decided under the federal program Refurbished equip houses the heating system by means of thermal automatics. It is noteworthy that make it to the owners manual has recommended a management company. Last year, sixty homes Zarechny already established sites of regulation based on the equipment the company Danfoss, allowing to control the temperature of coolant entering the building in accordance with the changing weather conditions. Now the climate in their homes always comfortable. The logical conclusion was the translation of renovated homes on the metering of heat. "We not only solved the problem of" melt down ", but received a 20%-ing savings in payments for heating, – says Sergey Skolobanov. – Next year we plan to submit a new application to the Fund for Housing Reform and carry out reconstruction in 70 buildings. Most developed countries of Europe faced a shortage of energy for more than 30 years ago. And the stumbling block, as well as in Russia today, then become excessive power consumption of housing and communal services. However, experience in the last few decades has shown that this problem is solvable. Moreover, process of decision utilities can reach a new level of profitability. Similar transformations begin today in our country. There are already early successes. The main thing now – to make the most use experience of the nearest neighbors on the world map and the Russian regions. Press Service of the Danfoss

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez