Decorating Textiles: Machine Embroidery

Machine embroidery – a modern technique of decorating a variety of products from tissue. Although it appeared relatively recently (the active development of technology refers to the 70 th years of xx century), today it is a machine embroidery the most actively developing type decoration of clothing and household items. Originally embroidery machines have limited capacity. This was the case and the complexity of the figure, and color palette, and speed. But over time, technology improved, and now machine embroidery on the beauty of execution can quite compare with the manual.

The velocity of embroidery, some models of equipment exceeds 1000 stitches minute. An important advantage of machine embroidery before hand is the possibility of replication: the machine can perform any desired number of copies to be identical in quality. In addition, the same circuit embroidery can be used on multiple machines. The result is obvious – quick getting a large consignment of the same decorated items. However, machine embroidery is also suitable for creating a unique design, the main thing here is to choose machine of suitable capacity. Possibilities of machine embroidery are related, primarily, with the parameters of the embroidery machine: the number of simultaneous threads used, performance, size and shape of applied hoop. But equally important is creating a quality scheme for machine embroidery.

Engaged in this designer-programmer, amounting to a program under which the machine will cause the picture on the fabric. Roughly speaking, designer must specify the quantity, color, length and position of stitches, and the machine will perform the mortgaged job. However, such a scheme applying stitches to the fabric must be carefully considered and composed. Of course, now for this A variety of computer programs to translate common vector drawing the circuit for machine embroidery. However, the result is far from ideal, it must be corrected manually, perform a test sample and refine the identified gaps. The only way to get high-quality machine embroidery.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez