Demon School

According to Sancho (1998, p.29), before century XX the technology it is configured as a body of knowledge that beyond using the scientific method, creates and/or transforms processes material. The same author (1998, p.30) comments that all and any technology goes to the few and gradual creating total new a human environment. 2. The EDUCATION IN the SOCIETY OF the KNOWLEDGE In accordance with Severino apud Lorieri (2002), education is one practical social complex, loaded of value conflicts and that it demands ethical positions and politics. Thus, it reiterates that to be professor it requires to know and scientific knowledge, pedagogical, educational, sensitivity, theoretical investigation and creativity to face ambiguous, uncertain, conflituosas situations e, for times, violent, gifts in the pertaining to school and not pertaining to school contexts. According to Hernndez (1998, p.48), in document emanated of UNESCO, the pertaining to school education must surpass the existing dichotomies between the global one and the place, the spiritual and the material, universal and the particular one, the tradition and modernity, soon and short term, the development of the knowledge and its capacity of assimilation, the necessity to share and the beginning of equality of chances For this, are necessary that the concepts treated in the school are articulated with the problems of the daily one of the pupils, valuing the cultural luggage of each one, breaching with the existing educational paradigm that if deep in descontextualizada an education and compartimentada, valuing I accumulate of information.

Hernndez (1998) assevera that the knowledge exists in one I interchange between individuals, beyond the contexts in which these if find. The social groups? the available materials? for example, computers and books? they are part of the cognitivos resources of an individual. That is, the cognition is distributed enters all the members of the group. Already Demon (2000) calls the attention for the mistake of if believing that the pedagogical contact can simply happen to be close to our pupils or it investment that can make in mere reproductive lessons, a time that, in its opinion, the typical pedagogical contact is that one where the professor assumes the facilitador role that learns well, and the pupil, of apprentice of who learns well.

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