Development Environments

To decide a programming language to begin programs, the next step that has to be pondering is the choice of working environment. There are many options and all are perfectly acceptable, but must be taken into account in order to start must be a feasible decision since much of your learning and your continuity depends on this. ur knowledge. The development environment should be friendly to the user and on a platform familiar to him. We will study different environments and according to the characteristics of the mimes, I’m going to tell you that I think that you should use and the reasons. We have to be clear from the outset that our goal is to learn how to program and that, for this reason, we have decided (in previous articles) using the language c ++. We also have to adapt ourselves to the platform (operating system) more familiar.

I’ll show you examples and tutorials on programming in a Windows-based environment, but a person that is familiar with other operating systems, you can choose another environment and adapt to him, everything else with respect to the source code for the examples and exercises is equal, C++ language. The choice of the working environment as well as complicated, is essential. Essential for that, according to that use, you can get more or less match your learning, that is the goal. And it is complicated because there are views of all areas, one would think that this is best or, that is the other or, that have chosen it does not work. I’ll give some indications based on my experience, as someone who was in the position of starting from scratch, as a professional who is dedicated to the teaching of programming. My learning methodology was independent of the language and the environment, therefore it was complicated, but then I checked that I adapted easily to any language and any environment. When I started with my first examples performing them at Windows with Borland C++, it was very satisfactory results looked to my previous studies since.

Later I got the Linux operating system, but already with a large base in programming and concepts very settled. This is the process also follow with my students, but from the beginning, I teach programming c ++ so, I avoid the initial frustrations since they see results in the short term. Borland C++ is a fee program, today there is a family environment and free which also gives great performances, I speak devc ++. Therefore to my tutorials I am going to use devc ++ on a Windows platform. But I am going to propose solutions for users of other platforms. Code: Blocks is free solution for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. For linux, you can use any editor (kwrite) and compile with the console with the gcc. Also for linux we have NetBean, eclipse and Kdevelop. What are good solutions primarily because they have the possibility and ease of creation of graphical environments. I’d like to leave a comment and tell me if you see the wise my choice, or if you know more choice of programming for any platform environments. Consult me all you want, I personally atendere those doubts.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez