Digital Signal Processing

New Portal provides overview of technical training in the Web of Starnberg, April 2009 – currently the qaqadu event gmbh offers, competent partner for training high-tech issues, the four-day intensive course \”DSP for FPGAs\” in Munich from May 12 to 15. Field Programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) with digital signal processing functions are a growth market with great potential: in addition to use in measuring and control technology of the industry they are used in automotive and communication terminals. The technology is applied but also in the areas of broadcast video SD/HD, image processing, infotainment, radar, sonar, and security. The increasing demands on processing speeds, the need rapid prototyping and software definable architectures using FPGAs with DSP functionality always pursue. \”There is a great demand for training in this future-oriented field\”, explains Joachim Huggenberg, Managing Director of the qaqadu event gmbh. \”The previous participants were always excited for our intensive DSP FPGAs, show that the consistently positive talks and the overall score of 1.5 in the assessment. We offer the development-oriented training series due to high demand by companies as customized training on the spot.\” The qaqadu event gmbh presents its new Web portal the site offers a user-friendly interface and sophisticated search options for all offered technical training events. The visitors will receive detailed information about course content, dates, speakers.

The four-day training in DSP for FPGAs teaches the versatility of the programmable logic. The course provides all important basics of implementation by DSP FPGA manufacturers and places special emphasis on the question of costs. Thorough basic knowledge is conveyed in theory and algorithms of DSP course participants, which is interesting in the context of a wide range of applications. This course is suitable for a broad audience: scientists on Engineers and project managers. Together with the speakers known for their design expertise of steepest ascent Ltd hosted the qaqadu event gmbh the forward-looking course under the direction of Prof.

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