Euros Users

Just launch the PortalProgramas awards to the best free Software 2009. The winning project will receive a donation of 500 euro to boost its development. They involved nearly 1,000 free contest programs. More than 2,500 people have already participated in the first contest of its kind that is done from Spain. These awards seek to free software that has been most helpful to users. The aim of the competition is to publicize the free programs that users consider more interesting and promote their use and dissemination. The winner will receive a donation of $ 500 to give support to the project and promote its development. The contest will last throughout the month of December, and users can vote for the free projects that they like from

One of the pillars of the free software is cooperation; from PortalProgramas we know that users want to share their experience and there is no one better than them to recognize the quality of free software. Why we wanted to create this competition, explains Benjamin safe, responsible for communication of There are dozens of very good projects; It is an excellent opportunity for users to give to know the rest of the community. Free software has no marketing teams that help promote themselves, users themselves promoted. We put tools to make users stand out programs that like them the most, says Francisco Brana, responsible for contents. More information about the awards: awards to the best free software original author and source of the article.

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