Federal District

When the trainee came back to the section where he worked, already he was not a trainee, therefore the guillotine of Maximiliem had decaptado it to Robespierre. Pablo registered occurrence in 5 police station of the Policy Civilian of the Federal District. The fury of the president of the STJ, in thesis, if would fit in the crime of moral siege, and would have severely to be punished, case the inquiry of the STF concludes that the minister committed the alleged facts. If a brutality of this cannot leave to pass uninjured. The career of the magistrate, possibly constructed with very work and study, beyond the qualities that if they demand of a magistrate cannot eximiz it of the legal responsibility, quite to the contrary, its power and its knowledge functions as aggravations for the act insane.

The magistrate must be an example of to be followed behavior. However, he will be that we can or we must follow the model of behavior of the minister? The professor and Alberto sociologist Carlos Almeida &#039 wrote the book; ' The Head of the Brasileiro' ' , a workmanship that argues the moral and ethical behavior of the Brazilian, with special focus for the study of ' ' jeitinho brasileiro' ' , where some people if find equal than all and still they use themselves of the expression: ' ' You know with who you are falando' '. Antidemocratic attitude occured discriminatory in the STJ discloses the attitude patrimonialista of the Public Agents, who transform the use of public good into particular use, as she became at the time of ' ' El Rei' '. Summary resignation, without defense or contraditrio. I control and you obey. He only remains in to wait them the decision of the constitutional guard of the Country, the STF, and to make choir with Boris Casoy: THIS IS A SHAME!

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