Desura offers the possibility to buy or download quite a few games of different categories assuring that they will operate on both Windows and Linux. Although the catalog is still available is not very big (and less if compared with Steam) this number will increase with time. In the case of games for Linux are available only for 32 bit architecture versions. If you want to try, let’s see how to install it on Ubuntu and Archlinux. In Archlinux in Terminal: Yaourt – S desura is you installed the program with all its dependencies. Once installed, it appears you in the menu.
On Ubuntu, we are going to the next page and click on the large button that puts Download Desura:. To give, will leave us a small window with two options: choose the option that’s right, what will download us Desura (tar.gz format) package. Let’s go to where you have downloaded the package and unzip it. Desura folder offers the following aspect: the icon that appears above in the image with red is what we have that Press to execute the program. It will start to download the necessary updates to run the program.
Message where tell us that they have added Desura start icon to Unity. Appears the login of the program: we will give you a New Account to create our own. You will be asked to accept the license. Once completed the registration process, we asked for that we confirm an email sent to our email. To confirm it, won’t lack exit and re-enter the session since the program only catches it. This is the aspect of Desura for Linux: I hope you find it useful and that little by little, you keep adding games more interesting and better quality had earlier talked of Wine, which allowed us to install programs made for Windows on Linux. But not only programs living male man, but also of women or mine games. However, you were a series of problems with those games that are made for Microsoft (and that are a lot). And is not that Linux does not have good games, because already the We have demonstrated many timesresolver not is so (number of followed links XD). But I, as a user, have my sacred right to play what is me gift pleases, because I paid for my game, or simply I’m a fan of X game that does not have native Linux version. And that happened to me with my old but beloved Age Of Empires II. Those games for Windows that I spent again and again in the secondary education, and which I were again willing to spend now in hard mode (which attack you up if anything great). But I had problems when only using Wine. So I turned to my weapon more lethal and powerful: PlayOnLinux is based on Wine, and facilitates the installation of games (eye: only eases, it is not that you can download free game and play it) within Linux, by downloading libraries necessary to run the game. Its use is simple, and requires no more knowledge than you are going to need at this moment: his installation.