Google keeps getting closer to providing a complete operating system (if not already doing so already) with its suite of desktop services and the office and business, plus the release of Android, the platform for developing applications for cell phones and gPC (GooglePC), product of the union with Ubuntu Linux. All this is a sign of how much Google is entering into our computers, far beyond the browser. Are persistent rumors that Google might be working on developing a new operating system in the form of a giant computer that everyone could take account. Google might be working on developing an operating system on a gigantic monster that cluster in the world could anyone have account. > While the main software developers continue to work on individual applications, Google could be building a platform massive web-scale programming. The first version of this gigantic virtual computer would have the world’s most powerful search engine, a service of social engineering, another online shopping comparison star and as its revolutionary e-mail service. However as time passes the system would improve in speed and function and to prevent Google from having to worry about Microsoft or Yahoo, because who needs Windows when anyone in the world could haveunlimited access to the world’s most powerful computer. Using Gnome and Linux as a starting point Google could design a desktop that works through the Internet and store documents locally.