Especially in Russia, where the infrastructure hunger is very high. Indeed, thanks to its advantages of wide introduction of cage technology can spur development programs of national projects, not only in the social sphere and agribusiness, but also in sports and housing. For example, in connection with the adoption of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decision to hold the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014, rose sharply to the establishment of a highly deadlines in a full-fledged social sports infrastructure that meets all modern requirements. In this case, the task to transform Sochi into a year-round resort and sports center of world-class, so all the facilities built for the 2014 Olympics, will not be temporary, but permanent. To implement these ambitious plans, it is necessary not only desire and the means, but using the most modern methods of construction sports facilities. They allow a very short time to build durable, beautiful and modernly equipped facility. In this light, the use of lightweight metal is now one of the most promising methods of construction of such buildings.
Examples of construction in the shortest time major facilities for winter sports is all over the country. For example, the Palace of Ice Sports Central "in Moscow, built with application of light metal in just 8 months, taking into account its size (more than 9 thousand m2, two large hockey arena, gym playing sports, and much more) is the original record. But not only in building sports facilities new technologies are in use. In agribusiness, for example, where the task of ensuring food security in the country, you can also talk about the prospects of construction of the lmc in the first place, due to high rates of construction. Experts predict growth in demand for building agricultural purposes in the next 5-7 years. He then somewhat stabilized here, as will be the natural processes replacement of obsolete stock.
Today, most modern agrostruktur profitable, such as Belgorod largest holding Belgrankorm, almost all of their livestock and poultry complexes erected on the technology of light metal. Gaining new positions of lmc and traditional housing. Despite the fact that the history of the construction of multifamily housing on a metal frame in Russia started relatively recently, factors such as reduced production costs, timing of design and construction, increased turnover of funds, can significantly change the situation in the housing construction and assist in implementing the national project "Affordable housing". Technology frame construction permit as soon as possible to build modern buildings of any purpose, which is not life inferior buildings constructed by traditional technologies, and a number of indicators are preeminent.