k) Presentation of Problems: In case that the game approaches the knowledge with the objective of being applied in the resolution of routine and not routine problems, the following aspects can be verified * if it considers them to the game of involving and challenging form, in accordance with the intention the one that if destines; * if it considers significant problems and if it makes possible the formularization of hypotheses on the part of the pupil; * if it allows some ways for the solution and if the used project to guide the pupil to the resolution is adjusted. 5. Conclusion the boarded aspects in this article, for the evaluation of the quality of software, strengthen the necessity of a systematic evaluation of educational software, a time that the same can be used as a computational tool for it I assist in the teach-learning process. Amongst some item if to consider in the evaluation of the quality of a software product, it would be improbable that the professor or the specialist in education thought about all the involved educational aspects technician or in this analysis, therefore when testing a software, it can be lost in the use of the product and if distanciar of the considered pedagogical objectives. With the proposal presented here, an evaluation of products of educational software could inside be carried through in systematic way, so that he is recognized the applicable quo a product can be, of the objective tracings. Obviously, the professor is not excused to supply final seeming, a time that will have that to take in account its proper pedagogical conceptions and the institution where if it inserts.
However, without an instrument of this type, this task of the professor/educator can be the one in such a way most complex one, what, many times, have if characterized as empecilho to the use of applicatory in the classroom. Bibliography Hail, T. (1998) ‘ ‘ Innovations in the Brazilian Education: ‘ ‘ A Jump for the Futuro’ ‘ ‘ ‘ , Educational Technology, v.26, n.140, P. 46-52, Jan/Fev/Mar. ISO9126-1. (1997) International Organization for Standardization. ‘ ‘ Information technology – Software quality characteristics and metrics – Part 1: Quality characteristics and sub-characteristics’ ‘. ISO/IEC 9126-1 (Commitee Draft).