
Consequentemente, when the propensity to aconsumir does not vary, the job cannot increase, not to be that this happens to mesmotempo that D2 grows, in way that fills the increasing gap between Z and D1. Ahead of this, the economic system can find a steady balance with N in an inferior level aopleno job, that is, in the level given for the intersection of the function of the global market and dafuno of it offers aggregate? excluded the hypotheses special of the classic theory, according to asquais, when the job increases, certain force always intervines, compelling D2 to go up onecessrio to fill the increasing gap between Z and D1. It is not, therefore, the desutilidademarginal of the work, express in terms of real wages, that the volume determines deemprego, except in the case where fixeum offers of hand of available workmanship the certain real wage maximum level of job. The propensity to consume and the level of the new investment que determine, jointly, the job level, and are this that, certainly, determines onvel of real wages? not inverse it. If the propensity to consume and the sum of novosinvestimentos result in an insufficience of the demand accomplish, the real level of empregose will reduce until being below of offers of hand of potentially available workmanship to the salrioreal in vigor, and the real wage of balance will be superior to the desutilidade delinquent of the level deemprego of balance.

(KEYNES, 1996, p.63-64) 6O Been assumed thus an active and decisive role in emsistema exactly capitalist the economic activity. One was not only about regulating the conjuncture of short term, preventing ouminimizando cycles of inflation or unemployment, but also, and mainly, assuring balanced umcrescimento of the national economy.

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