Logomarcas ' ' modernas' ' Today, with the resources of the graphical computation, everything can. It only depends on the ability of the professional who goes ' ' criar' ' soon with the available programs. It is that deferred payment there the danger. The use of these resources in excess, as shade, brightness, volume, edge, overlapping, degrade, distortion, desenhozinho, vinhetinha, tracinho moderninho and etc, almost never means good resulted nor for the conception of the logomarca and nor for the image of the companies. The great companies only have chance to contract agencies lined up with the language of communication of the world, small the average take care of of its visual identity with the available professionals in all part.
Some we talentosssimos and others in such a way nor. A thing all have in common: the knowledge of the resources that the graphical computation offers. Most of the time, when creating the visual identity for the customer, finishes making a true demonstration of these knowledge, and alone. The proper customer can influence this process without perceiving, for not having communication knowledge, it believes that the visual language of its necessary company to be ' ' enfeitada' '. Then it values and paid better for the logomarca with pirotecnias and little time later it nauseates and it asks for another creation. Later it does not understand because the mark does not fix in the head of the consumer. It is easy to identify the size of the company for its logomarca. It functions more or less thus: the more elements the mark has, minor is the less experienced company and the communication professional created that it. The great companies search through its communication related values the intagibilidade, the value of the mark, concepts as credibility, objetividade, seriousness and position of solid company. She is enough to observe logomarcas of companies as Sony, Samsung, HP, Fiat, Living creature, Seiko, Aim at, Bank of Brazil, Unibanco, Microsoft, it enters as much other examples of great marks of the world-wide market, and we conclude that in all many elements do not exist.