Open-source Accounting Gnuaccounting In New Version 0.8.4

Version 0.8.4 of free billing and bookkeeping program brings OpenOffice 4 and DocTag support and SEPA preparations Alzey, 25.11.2013. In addition to LibreOffice 4 now also Apache supported 4, metadata can be awarded according to the DocTag standard invoices and customers IBANs/BICs are already entered in the framework of the SEPA preparations. In addition, a part of the program was integrated, who similarly writes to facilitate the storage of functionality separately available commercial products, cash, or QR codes from a scanned file in the file name. Invoices are now Archivable PDF/A1, which ensures even better transferred to the customers. An improved revenue / surplus account and corrections of the portable version complete the picture.

Gnuaccounting 0.8.4 is available since Monday, the 25.11.2013 on available. For more details about changes and corrections can be found in the release notes. About Gnuaccounting: Gnuaccounting is an open source Java billing with accounting functions. It embeds to create invoices and receipts. It supports smart card-based online banking (HBCI) and exports data, for example, to advance the electronic tax return. The first version was released on the 25.03.2005. Since then, Gnuaccounting has been downloaded over 28,000 times. The program is available in German and English, can be used as a portable application and used on request external databases such as MySQL or PostgreSQL instead of the embedded Apache Derby. Windows(r)(tm) are supported (XP, Vista, 7) with 32-bit Java and KDE-based 32 – and 64-bit versions of Linux.

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