Our consciousness is arranged so that when he saw the structure of the "red" brick, it automatically assigns it the epithet "reliable", "beautiful", "durable." And it is true. The emergence of manufacturing technology bricks made of clay, its mass production, has allowed mankind to make strides in the construction industry. What is a ceramic brick? Brick is defined as explanatory dictionary lump of clay, fired in furnace. Then, for example, silica, or "white" brick and brick that can not be named because he is made of a special mixture in an autoclave, without being fired. Thanks to its "convenient" size 250mm x 120mm, mason convenient to take brick with one hand. Industry produces ceramic bricks and other dimensions: the "double – 250mm x 120mm x 138mm, Bastard – 88mm and the "single – 65mm thick. Standard defines a "double" as a brick – "ceramic stone." Masons often advantageous to use when building a house ceramic stones, due to lower consumption of the solution and the time for the erection of walls. It advantageous to the customer and, as a "double" brick, being more than double the usual volume, is only half the more expensive "single", while the cost of the works themselves do not increase.
Ceramic brick is divided into species, defined area of application: 1. Private (building) brick. They are laid internal or external rows of masonry, which are then applied a layer of plaster. 2. The front (facing) brick.
This brick is different from the ordinary with two flat, smooth surfaces, and has a typical uniform color. Many voids in the facing brick walls reduce heat conduction from a folded, making them more "warm". 3. Textured and shaped bricks – are also facing. Of those laid out complex forms: columns, arches, etc. 4. Occupies a special place chimney brick. Technology and materials used in its manufacture, making it the most expensive of all types of ceramic bricks. Referred to as ceramic bricks – "red." It is a consequence of the fact that in its manufacture are often used so-called "krasnozhguschiesya" clay. Roasting, rarely occurring "belozhguschihsya 'clay bricks produces yellow, apricot and even white color. The presence of voids in the "body" of the personal and ordinary brick divides it into solid brick and hollow brick. The greater the percentage of voids, the 'warmer' brick. Ceramic stones are made only hollow. Modern technology make it possible to produce porous brick (its structure resembles a sponge). This brick is very "warm" and, furthermore, has excellent sound insulation. Manufacturers today offer a wide choice of range of clay bricks, different types, sizes, shapes, colors and properties. When choosing a brick for the construction of ignorant people is best to consult a specialist. It helps to calculate the number of necessary materials, as ceramic brick product is not cheap and as a result of incorrect calculations and choice in the brick walls can "fly into a lot of money."