Resistance Mechanics

TRANSLATION FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE IN THE RESISTANCE MECHANICS OF UNIONS FINGER JOINT AUTHORS: Jose T. Karsulovic and Luiz Adolph Leon G. TRANSLATION: August Ernest Garbe 14p. The technique of unions dentated has enters its main applications the junction of the extremities of parts wooden, which constitutes a great potential currently to improve the income of the substance cousin in the industry of sawed and the elaboration of the wood, therefore it allows to value short parts of scarce value or to revalorizar parts of commercial size of low quality. Much varied and diverse is the factors that intervene with the final quality of an union, mentioning itself it they, in general, exists inherent aspects to the characteristics of the wood and the adhesive, to the format of teeth and the process of manufacture.

The objective of this work is to spread out some basic knowledge on the main factors that happen in the resistance mechanics of the dentated unions. It is thus intended to contribute with the development of this technique, whose application can allow one better exploitation of the resource and deliver great possibilities to generate an interesting source of benefits to the country, through the ensamblada wooden commercialization in the external markets. 1. GENERALITIES In the case of the longitudinal unions in the extremity, the intention is to get parts with bigger length. Other applications exist many as ensambles of parts in angle for the manufacture of structural elements with massive parts or the confection of porches from plated beams straight lines, also are used in the estruturao of plated plate panels, LVL (Laminated-Veneer-Lumber) that it represents an alternative for structural uses. An increasing interest in world-wide level for indented the longitudinal junctions by means of unions has been generated, one you see that it allows even though to get parts of great longitudes that can be cut in the length desired from short elements, proceeding from parts wooden of low commercial value or of material of discarding of elaboration industry. The resultant product of presents exempt of defects and possesss good dimensional stability very. Longitudinal unions in the extremities, using the indented technique of union, can be executed for the attainment of parts to be used with different intentions, classifying themselves in two great groups, according to load level that will be submitted in service, being: structural uses and not structural uses. In the first case, the members only require a resistance for its manipulation and improvement, while in structural elements, the main aspect is the resistance mechanics that offers to the union the action of important requests. It lowers the complete article to continue reading.

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