Stomach Acidity

The acidity is a common digestive problem, but the good news is that it can be avoided, which means that it will not have to feel those pains in the chest again. Then, what is the stomach acidity? The acidity is caused by acid of the stomach that our body uses to digest foods, when this one enters the esophagus. The esofgico sphincter inferior is a small lapel that maintains to foods within the stomach and avoids that the acid leaves. If the cover is not closed correctly, the acid of the stomach can enter the esophagus and cause acidity. This acid brings about a sensation of ardor in the chest. Also it can undergo a bitter flavor, that is caused by small amounts of acid which they travel by the esophagus until the mouth. Some reasons exist for which the esofgico sphincter could not be closed correctly. Some foods relax the esofgico sphincter – greasy chocolate, mint, caffein, alcohol and foods can have this effect.

The pressure on the stomach, caused by activities like the rise of weights, it can force the exit of acid outside the same. For more information see this site: Michael Steinhardt, New York City. Certain medical conditions can cause a greater risk of stomach acidity, including the autoimmune diabetes and many diseases. The form to also eat can cause problems – to eat laid down causes that it is easier that the acid of the stomach escapes towards the esophagus. The slight stomach acidity can stay under control following some simple steps. Comma with care. It tries to avoid the foods that cause heartburn. The sharp, citric foods, tobacco and some medecines as aspirina and the ibuprofeno can irritate the coating of the esophagus, reason why try to stay remote of them. Seated comma, and avoids to lie down up to three hours after eating.

It tries to remain in an optimal weight for his height, and avoids to smoke and to drink in excess. The antacids are the form most common to alleviate the heartburn. These are available without prescription in their pharmacy, and alleviate the symptoms of the acidity. If you undergo acidity in form it frequents, is worth the pain to visit its doctor, who can prescribe to him blocking of histamina-2, which diminish the amount of acid in the stomach. There are other medecines that can be considered, like the metoclopramida one, that empty quickly the foods and the acid of the stomach, or the inhibitors of the proton pump, that they prevent that the stomach produces acid. If the heartburn is chronic and medecines do not help him, a surgical procedure called fundoplicatura is an option. This reinforces the muscle of the esofgico sphincter inferior, stopping the acid flow towards the esophagus, and has a rate of success of 85%. The acidity is a painful problem, but it can be solved easily. So it follows these steps and it alleviates his suffering today.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez