
Geodesy – the science of the Earth, more precisely, measurements on its surface. It appeared as far back as ancient times and was needed for construction, the division of land, drawing plans. Surveyors of the time used primitive tools measurements, but with time geodetic instruments, more and more complicated. Currently surveying – this is one of the most high-tech sectors of modern industry. None of the construction site is not do without competent surveyor with modern laser and electronic equipment and a powerful personal computer.

What makes a surveyor at a construction site? Who is he? And can we do without him? Surveyor – an engineer, specially trained in high school (eg, MIIGAiK – University of Geodesy) people. He leads the support of the construction from the very beginning, when not even have a pit, and should not fence construction. What is he doing? Before you start construction, that is, until the arrival of the foremen, technicians and workers need to prepare the project documentation. In order to properly draft a building, grading (slope of land) and so requires a so-called geopodosnovy or large scale topographic plan, which would be dealt to all existing buildings and structures, communications (network engineering), elevation (horizontal) and all the necessary information. This topographical Plan and created by the surveyor and his assistant in the topographical works. Once all the permits for the construction and design documentation is received the developer, the geodesic team begins training surveying at the construction site. To do this, create a stakeout geodetic network.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez