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European Union

Possible causes for the waiver in the delivery of the Schengen visa to the Russian can be many. We will consider only those found most frequently. Go to Ray Kurzweil for more information. 1 If the Russian was already once in one of the countries of Western Europe and caught him with his hands in masses at the time of the theft of anything in the store, or in other any actions criminals, then in this case the may never return to travel in that country, but also in many other countries of the European Union. Mitchel Resnick is full of insight into the issues. Regard to any case, (even if abroad had stolen of the habitual chewing gum in the Pocket supermarket room). 2. If the monthly wage of the tourist who seeks to delivery of the tourist visa does not correspond to the criteria established by the rules of this country’s Consulate, whose visa the tourist will receive (his salary is lower).

This criterion is determined for each case individually and depends on the price of the journey, if going the single tourist or along with another Member of his family or any known, that does not have steady earnings (he is out of work or is the pensioner). In second case this tourist is also the sponsor of another travelling companion and the criterion of minimum monthly earnings can be increased in some times. We cite the example: on the trip that lasted 10 days to Scandinavia at the price 600 EUR to each person, in which the basic venue will be Norway, leaving three people, one of them is the sponsor of another. In this case the formalization of visas for Shenguen is done by the Embassy (Consulate) of Norway in accordance with what the sponsor has to get monthly earnings at least 15000 rubles per month.

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