Tag: environment

Federal District

The inauguration of the net of the Village will be in the next week and will take care of about seven a thousand residences, with exception of the areas with ambient restrictions. 14 – Roriz governor inaugurated plus a workmanship in the Structural one. One is about a health rank that counts on basic infrastructure for emergenciais atendimentos, pharmacy and room for odontologia, health of the woman and pediatrics. The rank has capacity to take care of 30 a thousand people. 2004 April 20 – the governor of the DF, Joaquin Roriz, declared day 19 of April of 2004 as the formal date of the foundation of the Structural one, the new city of the Federal District. The director of the PROGEA, company contracted for the GDF, informed that 15 technician had worked in the elaborations of EIA/Rima of the Structural one. 23 – It has five days was announced the regularization of the Structural one, but before the official legalization the Village already it lives problems of a city. The inhabitants already face differences of socioeconmico profile.

In the Old Village (next to the Lixo) it is the population poor (catadores). The New Village (to the edges of the DF-095) has more masonry house and shelters the commerce of the nesting. June 09 – About 50% of the garbage produced in the DF it goes to stop in the Lixo of the Structural one. The lixo is in the limit of its capacity. Ambient agencies of the Federal District study definitive solution to finish with the disposal of residues in that local July 09 – the governor, in exercise, Maria of Lourdes Abbey signs the administrative order for the beginning of the construction of the net of sewer in the Village. 20 – Fire in the Structural one destroys six barracos. The fire occurred 19m of poliduto of Petrobra’s, for where they pass 70 million liters of diesel and gasoline for month, come of the refinery of Paulnea, in So Paulo.

Photographic Paper

In such a way all will know what and as the separation of the garbage will be made. What it is, and what is not reciclvel? They are considered you recycle those residues that constitute transformation interest, that they have market or operation that makes possible its industrial transformation. nformation. To cite an example: dismissable diapers are recycle (www.knowaste.com), but in Brazil it does not have this technology (still). Therefore it does not have alternative destination to the lixes and sanitary aterros for dismissable diapers in Brazil. Soon, dismissable diapers are not configured as material you recycle in our context. This example also is good to demonstrate as it does not have ' ' prescription of bolo' ' the importance of the program of selective collection to have coherence with the local reality, that is, the social, ambient and economic reality. In the list below it has said materials you did not recycle that in certain regions it has purchasers, being able to be considered therefore you recycle. WE GO TO MAKE Attention In such a way: it is not necessary to separate for colors, Is enough you recycle to separate them of you did not recycle (dry garbage and humid garbage) PAPER You recycle Leves and paper shavings Reviewed Periodicals Boxes Cardboard Forms of computer Bristol boards Cards Envelopes written Rough drafts Photocopies Brochures Printed matters in general Tetra PakNo Adhesive Reciclveis Labels Crepe Ribbon Paper carbon Photographs Paper towel hygienical Paper Paraffined Metallized engordurados Papers Plasticized Paper of fax Must be dry, clean (without fat, remaining portions of food, grease), of preference not kneaded.

The cardboard boxes must be dismounted for a question of otimizao of the space in the storage. Metal You recycle aluminum Cans steel Cans: oil, sardine, gravy of tomatoe. Hardware Pipes Esquadrias ArameNo you recycle Clips Cramps steel Sponge Cans of ink or poison fuel Cans Stacks clean Batteries e, if possible Must be, reduced to a lesser volume (kneaded) Plastic Recycle Covers food Pots PET mineral water Bottles Receiving of Cleanness Hygiene PVC plastic Bags BaldesNo Toys you recycle pan Handle Taken Foam Adhesive Acrylic Keyboards of computer you possibly recycle Isopor has recycling in some localities clean Pots and bottles and without residues to prevent transmitting animals of illnesses next to the storage place.

Industrialized World

Although the alive humanity in a industrialized world and with the continuous use of advanced technologies, still thus significant indices of reduction of the pollution are not veem. The problem is in the mentality of the people and the form where the resources are used to fight the degradation, or not. According to recent research, the motorized cars and other vehicles, are responsible for 18% of the emissions of gases to the atmosphere. Two of the main gases emitted to the atmosphere are: Co2 (carbon dioxide) and the methane. A concern with them must be had more, therefore they poluem and not only they cause the heating, but also the acid rain that are a threat agriculture, plants, forests and most worse, the contamination of the ground, consequentemente harming freticos sheets, diminishing the fertility of the alone etc. Little if speak of acid rains, but they are so degradantes how much the other degradantes factors. The biggest question in game is the cultural factor. The education, culture and the form as the knowledge and the information is passed the population influences in the mentality of a people, therefore the human being is product of the way where it lives. if the people do not know the problem, consequentemente it does not take measured by containment and solution for the problem. It is acquired knowledge!

United Nations

The irrigation corresponds 73% of the water consumption, 21% for use of the industries and only 6% destine it the consumption domesticate. The ambient degradation elapses of the uncontrolled population growth and the superexploration of natural resources. In 1940, 30% of the Brazilians liveed in the cities, today 81% live in the great urban centers, and great part is in the areas of sources, generally slum quarters, that is, busy areas in secrecy, arrive and go destroying forests and crowded in the springs of the rivers and playing its lixos and sewers without any care, with this the water are each time more poluda compromising the exploitation of the same one for the consumption. In devoid countries the water scarcity will affect the food production if they will not be adopted measured urgent to raise the hdrica productivity. The water scarcity crosses borders because of the international trade of cereals. To produce a ton of these foods consumes a thousand tons of water, thus to import them is the way most efficient to import water.

Some countries use cereals to balance its hdricas accounts in similar way, to commercialize them in the future in certain way, to make it with the water of the future. The water lack already harms the harvests in some countries, between them China, world-wide producing greater of cereals. To prevent the water scarcity a commission of the organizations of United Nations of 1987 suggests: – To limit the population growth; – To guarantee feeding in long stated period; – To preserve biodiversity and ecosystems; – To diminish the energy consumption that uses renewable source; – To increase the industrial production in the countries not industrialized to the technology base ecologically adapted; – To control the wild urbanization, to make the integration between lesser field and cities; – To guide the politics of necessary actions, also to include mechanisms natural of rain water exploitation; – The dessalinizao of sea water.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez