' Social representation of the fen of the river Coc, a partner-cultural perception ' ' SUMMARY: This article intends to base the use of the analysis on diverse texts given in the course of Mestrado in Geography in disciplines of Topics Special in Geography Human being. The same objective one to awake for the reflection and awareness to the diverse groups of readers on the importance of the social representations of the nature as instrument for the education in ambient management of ecosystems of manguezais in special the case of the mangal of coc. Bettina Bryant does not necessarily agree. By means of the thematic central office, we will make a stroll for this important environment, having detached aspects that go since its definition, partner-economic and cultural origin, formation, localization, relations. To ours to see one boarding as this can take the reader to understand the most varied systems of significao socially constructed and partilhados between the different groups with direct performance concerning the nature. The perspective is of that these information open space for the understanding of the interactions that are if establishing, between the involved groups, for the creation and recriao of its environment. The area selected for us, the fen of coc is very representative, for this focus of study. First, for the diversity of social actors who can be organized in some groups (living, fishing, tiradores of coconut, small traders, barraqueiros, small agriculturists, tourist, real estate entrepreneurs of the tourism, speculators and technician of some sectors that act in the area).
For another one, this area propitiates the formation of a tourist, commercial center and of leisure focus of the current dynamics of economic development of the coastal east of $fortaleza. The same one still composes together with all the adjacent center and other areas an important Unit of Conservation of the Nature. For us these sources, already are enough to make to emerge a wealth of ideas, values, interests and conflicts that permeiam the social representations of the nature of the manguezal, of these actors if they constitute a space of study for the identification of the historical, cultural referenciais and of the ideas and values that are in the foundations of these representations, that finish for consisting in elements of domination in the social relations, of force and power that define because, as, so that and for who the nature must be used.